Flustered? Coming on making out I'm some blind idiot(and a fanboy)....
Yes, a fanboy in the sense you love this game (not the series). Fanboy doesn't have to mean you love every game.
EDIT: The proof of you not being able to even get a shot off on regular and I win 10-1, and the video showing your horrendous defense and attacking only reinforces what I think. Very compelling real evidence.
I never said I couldn't get a shot off. My problem was, as I mentioned above, that my version of the game seemed a lot harder on easy settings compared to what other people were experiencing.
Also, my last post (after your vid comment) highlighted the linear and bottleneck form of play. But let me just put the problems in quick format and see what we have:
1). Pathing is far too linear - passing options STILL very limited, you are left having to play a certain way. Freedom of expression extremely limited i.e. one play style. Not to mention simple passes not hitting the target or loads of options simply not available. Close/quick intricate passing is non-existent. Long/through lobs inconsistent and unrealistic looking at best (when the target player is close your player will often loft the ball to them in an almost vertical arc - laughably unrealistic)
2). AI problems - from being pulled to the floor and rolled on to your players simply acting of their own accord (momentarily running away from the ball or pausing/stalling/unresponsive), cursor delays, tackling, speed changes (your players slow their players quick). Players backing off, not stepping in etc, etc acting like dummies.
3). Speed/animations/implementation of tricks - all of this is utterly inconsistent. One minute run (double tap) works then next it doesn't. One minute a trick works the next it doesn't. One minute a shot works (with a given setting i.e. power, speed, accuracy) the next you get something entirely different - and don't say "that's football" - this is a game so the controls should be consistent.
Overall it's the inconsistency that kills it for me. It feels like I am playing 3-4 different games and these switches happen all the time during a match. All of this points to scripting and if you don't see it then you have the blinkers on. Hence I agreed with the fanboy statement.
I can play this game to a very high level but in doing so I am forced to play a very limited way, which as I mentioned I don't like - the game is limited enough without wanting to limit myself further. I would be more than happy to play you online sometime to prove just how efficient I can be but like I said I hate this method of play (always having to play one way i.e. the way that works, it's bottlenecking).
On the upside PES15 does have some nice moments (which genuinely make it hard for you to go back to the previous games) which is why I said I wanted to like it, but sadly this is interrupted all too often with moments were I don't feel in total control or the control has shifted. For if all things are equal then a pass should work all of the time, as with the rest (shooting, running, movements etc)- in this game, more than any other, this simply isn't the case and when I know that I am not the one in control of the outcome then it begs the question, why play when the game is scripting the events as it sees fit? I'm tired of saying "that's not what I wanted to do".
Look, as I see it the current system (the increased implementation of scripting) is a way for Konami to increase competitiveness while removing potential abuse-play. By giving the computer/AI more control and changing the control systems/outcomes when necessary in real-time there is no way for a human to master the game fully which also means there is less chance for them to find potentially abusive loop-holes (i.e. through-lob spamming, etc). However, the other side to this means that you end up just becoming nothing more than a glorified puppet (as someone else mentioned in a previous post) and I'm sorry this simply won't stick with me, for I want full balance, I want to be beaten not because the computer hands my opponent or itself an advantage by which my functions, controls and passing etc. all periodically decrease or momentarily stop working to give my opponent an ‘advantage’, but instead through real skill. I don’t want to be beaten because my cursor didn’t work, my player stopped running or ran the other way, or a simple pass decides to go the other way (even though 2 mins previous the same pass worked!) I want to be beaten fairly, then I will be satisfied.
If you like this game and don't see the above issues then yes there is nothing more to say for this stuff cannot be fixed through controls or changing one's play-style for they are ingrained within the game's coding, only patching can help improve these things and although the last patch did bring some wanted improvements in gameplay most of the above is sadly still there.
Good luck Rat!
P.S. I don't mean to be an ass so if I came across that way then I apologize.