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Playing PES2010 Online...

The Liverpool Way

Registered User
Hi :)

I've been trying to get online on PES2010 on PS3 but I fail to do so everytime I try.

I click on 'Online' from the Main Menu and then it says 'Testing Network Environment'. It waits a few seconds and then the following comes up on the screen:

'Unable to transmit using UDP port 3658.
You may need to connect directly to the internet or adjust your connection device i.e router setting etc.
Assign DMZ, Port Mapping, Configure NAT Table and other router settings to the Playstation3 system. Individual products may use unique terminology.'

So I keep retrying but it never connects to online. I can play games like Call of Duty, Far Cry 2, Uncharted 2 and FIFA10 online but it wont let me on PES2010.

Can anyone lend a helping hand?

The Liverpool Way

Registered User

My connection speed is 5/5.
The connection to the router is 99%.
My connection speed is very fast.

I don't know whats wrong :(

Mr Darkstar

Registered User
Well i am also connecting wirelessly and know a number of people doing the same thing and have not heard of this problem on ps3 :S maybe it is a bug on your game or even your ps3? Try resetiin a few settings etc maybe?


Registered User
I have heard many people having issues connecting to game games online,
I have no issues with any other PS3 game online and I have had pes for 48 hours and in that time I have had one decent game online and all other either disconnect before they start.

I am using wireless may have to try wired but that should not be the case I will try to attempt everything to get this to work online if not then pes is going back to the shop for an exchange.

even just done the new ping test ....

The Liverpool Way

Registered User
Hey thanks for the help guys.

It's OK now I can play online.

I just changed the settings in the game to 'automatic'. It was something to do with 'ports' or something like that.

No worries though, i'm finnaly online :D

Add me on PS3 if anyone wants a game or two ;)
