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Why do the PES haters on this forum always have the same Chelsea logo? :S
PES will never win in that pole, just because so many more people play FIFA.
Even if PES is the better game, FIFA will trump.
... I still voted btw!
This, sadly. FIFA has never provided a realistic representation of the sport. Yes, it was fun back in 1999 when my cousin and I were enjoying 6-5 thrillers in every match and LOLing as we ended each game with 8 players each, but the truth is EA never made the step into modern and realistic games. They just kept the instant action, pass pass shoot goal mentality.
I know there's plenty of people that prefer FIFA, but in short no offence meant (well...) but you're all morons. If you prefer an arcade game where players can sprint at 40 miles an hour and hit 70 mile an hour drives into the top corner pretty much every time they shoot, then that's fine. But I want realism, and PES is the only franchise that's really delivered it on mass.
I voted for Fifa 12!
....and I am not surprised to see that they are leading too.
At this point only an idiot would vote for PES against...........well any game to date, not only Fifa.
I have depleted all my hopes for PES. The lack of effort by Konami and Seabass is unacceptable.
I really enjoy playing Fifa although it still has it problems too, but i also appreciate the fact that they are now #1 in a race where they trailed PES for many years.
There is no doubt in my mind that Fifa is improving and continues to. PES on the other hand seems to be grasping at air.
Their biggest plus is promising changes every year that suckers us fans in. But the promises falls flat and we are left waiting for a miracle the next year.
I have said before....any developer that fails to fix online issues deserves a kick in the teeth. No online game....its 2011 Seabass not 2007. Who the fuck wants to play PES 5 or 6 because PES 2011 is shit. Certainly not me!
Seabass/PES is a dead fish in the water.
Wake up you fucking noobs!
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. :blush: