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Problem.Please Help Me


Registered User

why its happen ? player picture not clear.



Only suggestion I can honestly have is to reset the console. You've not by any chance patched or modded it have you? If so, I imagine some of the wallpaper files may have corrupted or become damaged, otherwise I'm as stumped as you are.


Registered User
Actually there was someone with the same problem a few months back with a similar screenshot (I assume you are playing on a console), I remember reading it and there was a solution, i've been searching for it but have been unable to find it.

However from what I remember it mentioned something about a loose connection between TV and console


Actually there was someone with the same problem a few months back with a similar screenshot (I assume you are playing on a console), I remember reading it and there was a solution, i've been searching for it but have been unable to find it.

However from what I remember it mentioned something about a loose connection between TV and console

SFX said:
reset console? i am using pc...hmm



Registered User
Sorry I didn't read that post :blush:

The other guy who reported this fault had an xbox I only assumed that you'll be running it on one too. Have you tried changing the in-game resolution, also you could check your DirectX (using dxdiag) maybe there is some sort of problem there.
