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[PS3] Alkhens Npower championship OF for Bles 20


Registered User

18 Npower championship teams fully completed, Kits, Badges and Players all done!

now you can lead your team to masters league glory

Thanks to the WENB people for making a great file for me to base mine on, all the guys who forwarded me missing kit PNGs and the guys that made them. Jaymez Hetfield for his Championship squad PDF and Rob merrick for helping me fix it after the konami update messed it all up!
Credits to follow....


Registered User
Delighted, now I can create my Master League!

Quick query, which teams does this over write?

Don't want to lose any major ones!

And HI, do you need to copy the edit data again(that I used with the WE one), or just the new uniform packs?


Registered User
Hiya. Great work and much appreciated! Could somebody help me please, I dont see an actual "edit data" file to copy over to the hard drive. Also there is a file called "Emblem\Cup data" or something which is corrupt when i try to copy it. Thanks.


Registered User
Firstly great work on the OF. my question is this: how do I use this in conjunction with another OF I have downloaded? the other OF doesn't have championship teams etc, but how do I add the teams to the existing OF without undoing all the work?


Registered User
i was gonna ask the same question. ive downloaded the wenb OF's and only have the D2 league and PES league left to copy over with an OF.
will the championship teams overwrite these two leagues or will it overwrite some of the leagues ive already downloaded?
im confused just writing this!
anyway, many thanks for the championship OF, mucho appreciated.


Registered User
Congratulations Alkhen mate!

I know you've bin through the mill to get it done :ninja:

Big respect...

up the owls ;)


Registered User
This sounds great, will download it when I get home. Probably a stupid question, but what about the Premier League and National teams etc? Has any work been done to them?


Registered User
Just tested it....

Top notch pal, i bet you'll be wearing sunglasses for a week! :w00t

Thanks for all your efforts, they are much apreciated...



Registered User
to the people who have downloaded this OF, what league has been copied over to make this championship league? D2? PES league?
many thanks.


Registered User
first of all thanks to alkhen! brilliant work.

championship takes place of D2 and as stated at the top 'based on WENB option file' so it has all kits etc for prem league and national squads


Registered User
am i being stupid here but i downloaded this OF purely for the championship teams.
i put my usb stick in my ps3 and copied the championship teams but nothing else as i already had them from the 2 wenb OF's.
now when i load the game, i cant find the championship teams and D2 is still there!
am i doing something very very wrong?!
any help appreciated.
Or do i have to delete my previous OF's and copy all this OF?


Registered User
am i being stupid here but i downloaded this OF purely for the championship teams.
i put my usb stick in my ps3 and copied the championship teams but nothing else as i already had them from the 2 wenb OF's.
now when i load the game, i cant find the championship teams and D2 is still there!
am i doing something very very wrong?!
any help appreciated.
Or do i have to delete my previous OF's and copy all this OF?

As far as I know you need to delete your edit data and then copy the edit file from this OF for the changes to appear


#1 Stunner
Can someone please upload this on something other than rapidshare and megaupload? z share or easy share should do.
