Im finishing up college in May and planning to start a new Master League in summer and the info at the beginning of the thread about young players and tactics really got me interested in downloading this OF as I feel it would be a great addition and increase the longevity of the mode. I currently have Pauls OF in and its really well done and fantastic but ML wise I think this one could suit me better personally
Just to clear up, Are the youth players you created still in the game? or were they ruined by DLCs? Also, How far along are you with the FM stats conversion?
All Klashman's tactics are IG yep and I added hundreds of youngsters to EPL clubs and big European clubs also with the odd one or two in Latin America, too. I also edited the academy master league players into real life 16 year olds with potential and without a club in the game. They are all in fine condition and because of my work around the dlc hasn't scratched them. Dlc would normally ruin youngsters but I have my option file is dlc proof now thanks to smeagol and Starvin.
I'll be adding even more young players over the coming weeks, too.
FM stats EPL is done and some European teams. I have a two week break from college myself starting next week so when I'm not studying hard for the last of my fourth year exams I'll be getting stuck into finishing the fm stats and updating the j league to the 2014 season as well as updating Colombian teams.
70y! can you tell me the link of the last update till WC DLC ? I mean the FULL one. thank you
I will mention you and post links later I'm not on PC right now and can't post links on this device.
me too..i want the full but blas version with competible wcdlc
I still havn't fixed that corrupt file. I'm hoping it's a once off and when I go to convert my next update coming either tomorrow or Wednesday to BLAS it will work fine.