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[PS3] DFL OptionFile 2011 - 1./2.Bundesliga and Nationalteams


Registered User
Thanks for the answer!
i have another question, I hope I'm not bothering you -if I do, tell me, don't worry!-
Here is the question: how many updates are you planning to make after this "base"? Are you going to update -I don't know- every week, every month, or what?


Registered User
ist aber scheiße von pes dass die liverpool nicht mehr haben und chelsea haben die dafür nicht hinbekommen oder arsenal usw


Registered User
Thanks for the answer!
i have another question, I hope I'm not bothering you -if I do, tell me, don't worry!-
Here is the question: how many updates are you planning to make after this "base"? Are you going to update -I don't know- every week, every month, or what?

Sorry, I haven't specified for whom the question was: it's for Cristiano! :happy:


Registered User
Ist doch egal, ob sie Lizenzen haben, mit den editierten Trikots sehen sie aus wie echt.

Thanks for the answer!
i have another question, I hope I'm not bothering you -if I do, tell me, don't worry!-
Here is the question: how many updates are you planning to make after this "base"? Are you going to update -I don't know- every week, every month, or what?

I think there will be a big update every second month.
But little updates will be out randomly, like kits or stats updates.
I will update my file till Summer 2011!


Registered User
hallo Cristiano92

first thanks for your option file, it was the one I used most of the time for pes 2010!

I wanted to know if the OF will be out this evening, in a couple hours I'll have friends over and we'd love a game of PES with all the right teams and names, and some transfers!


Registered User
Just my opinion Cris, but i'd prefer if you launch the first patch with la liga and palermo done, and then the rest as time goes by..but its just my opinion, good work man


Registered User
right cris, i think is better to wait a few more hour to have a more complete OF than just premier league done, but as I said, its my opinion, you know what's best to do.


Registered User
But if I upload now, youll get the next update tommorow. There is no sense in it.

Update tommorow. Arround 10am German Time.


Registered User
Well if you have Bundesliga you can start your Master-League or so. The Kits can come even if u started ur League..

But well, just my opinion, im glad for everything^^


Registered User
Cristiano, ok, you know, of yours, but my last question, an beta will be today or not? I'm very anxious ...


Registered User
Ok wirst also morgen die erste version hochladen :)
WAs ist den so allgemein alles geplant?
Stadien,Fangesänge,Baden,Bundesliga etc?
