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PS3 Jailbreak ftp for option files


Registered User
everytime you ftp u need to reboot for gamesaves etc apart from apps

ps3 registers files @ bootime and stores the value. official apps change that on the fly
homebrew does not


Registered User
igo to
i find all my pes save data
i delete all because i want to do that
but when i go to save data on ps3 i find them all (without logo of the game, its the only change )
i reboot ps3 and still find them
what i should do to delete them definitly for my ps3 using this methode (ftp)
thank you


Registered User
igo to
i find all my pes save data
i delete all because i want to do that
but when i go to save data on ps3 i find them all (without logo of the game, its the only change )
i reboot ps3 and still find them
what i should do to delete them definitly for my ps3 using this methode (ftp)
thank you
Same for me...


Registered User
Guys... I installed all the PES Savegames to the correct folder... I even restarted the PS 3..

But only the option file is loading...

The Jerseys, Stadiums etc. wont load !!

When i try to copy them manually from the usb stick it asks me if i want to overwrite the existing files. So they are stored in the proper folder but WONT load...

Any solutions ?!?!?