which version/ datapack?
I use patch 1.03 and datapack 2.
"Edited data
Unable to load because data is from different version.
Download new contents to update data."
I saw this message a few tines before I loaded the option file fix.
I am using the same patch and data pack as you so you should be able to get this to work.
Are you able to manually load managers team emblems and kits that you downloaded from version 1 or 2 that are in this thread? If you are able to do this from the edit page then this is an easy fix.
First download the option file fix. Unzip it. You will need a USB stick that contains PS3 and SAVEDATA on it. Now all you are going to do is drag the edit data portion of the option fix file into your SAVEDATA on the stick in the computer. It is a small file and will take no time unlike the full downloads you did earlier. Remove stick from computer plug into PS3. Copy to console hard drive. Again this won't take but a moment unlike the original files.
This should be all you need to do. Try playing the game offline. Fire up the game and go to exhibition match. If this took properly you should see the competition names correct with emblems. Teams names and kits corrected. Scroll down under Liga NOS and you should see Bundesliga. For some reason with this option file it takes some time for the emblems and kits to come up. They eventually do.
If this doesn't work try this.
Delete the option files from this thread that are on your PS3.
Download version 2. Unzip it. Bring a USB stick with nothing on it over to the computer. No PS3 no SAVEDATA. Blank stick. Drag the entire PS3 file you downloaded from the thread onto your USB stick. This might take some time there is a lot of data. Copy this to your PS3 hard drive. Do not start the game yet.
Download the option file fix again or if you have this file on another stick just copy it again to your PS3 hard drive. This is how I did it. I have the American BLUS version hard copy.
Remember if you take any further updates like the January transfer window from Konami it will blow all of this data and you will have to start from scratch.