No problem, mate! This OF has already everything: there's nothing REALLY important left to add. And that's remarkable, considering the fact that many other OFs still have many errors or deficiencies.
Great job!
Cheers mate
I also asked the same for 7oy...
I'll be very grateful if you could help me too
Ok guys so you need the following software...
Bruteforce Savedata
PES 2014 Multiconverter (use 0.9 rather than the latest version)
Pro Evo Editing Studio 2014
And here are some basic instructions...
1) Copy your PES 2014 "BLES01930EDIT" Folder in Bruteforce Folder
2) Start Bruteforce Tool
3) Now your Savegame must loaded automaticly and click on your Savegame or search manually for right folder location
4) click Decrypt PFD --> Now you have a decryptet PS3 OF DATA
5) Convert your decrypted PS3 OF Data with the Multiconverter Tool to PC OF Data (use ps3 tab)
6) Start PRO EVO Editing Studio and Encrypt PC Edit.bin with cabrys tool
7) Now you can open PC Encrypted PC Edit.bin with PRO EVO Editor.
8) After finishing your editing work we must decrypt PC Edit.bin with cabrys tool
9) Convert your decrypted PC OF EditBin with the Multiconverter Tool back to PS3 Format (use ps3 tab)
10) Copy your new PS3 DATA.BIN back in your BLES01930EDIT Folder
11) On Bruteforce click Encrypt PFD & Verify PFD
12) Now we have finally enrypted the PS3 OF Data
13) Copy your Option File back on Console
14) Run PES 2014 & fix all the defaulted team names.
I would say if you are going to use it always keep & backup of your editdata & try to do as much as possible using the Editing Studio each time to save continually fixing the team names.