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[PS3] paul2478 PES 2014 OF (BLES/BLUS/BLAS)


Registered User
Paul - When P.E.S. 2014 first came out last year, some option file makers were rightly complaining that Konami had made it more difficult to do certain aspects of editing i.e. players, teams e.t.c. ( was it to with the editing tools not being compatible ? ) and that for this reason, it would take longer to make option files for this particular version . Whatever the reason was, we all had to be extra patient due to it.

I think I also recall someone saying back then that the next version should be easier and quicker to produce option files for, as these problems won't apply. So now that P.E.S. 2015 is almost upon us, is this still the case ? Will you, or other option file makers be able to deliver them to us quicker this time around ( your own free time permitting of course ) ? :mellow:


Registered User
I see the folder contains the same number of files as the previous one. Do I need to copy any other files than the edit data if I already have 3.1 installed?


paul the best....:)

Cheers mate :D

Paul - When P.E.S. 2014 first came out last year, some option file makers were rightly complaining that Konami had made it more difficult to do certain aspects of editing i.e. players, teams e.t.c. ( was it to with the editing tools not being compatible ? ) and that for this reason, it would take longer to make option files for this particular version . Whatever the reason was, we all had to be extra patient due to it.

I think I also recall someone saying back then that the next version should be easier and quicker to produce option files for, as these problems won't apply. So now that P.E.S. 2015 is almost upon us, is this still the case ? Will you, or other option file makers be able to deliver them to us quicker this time around ( your own free time permitting of course ) ? :mellow:

I think what most OF makers were referring to was that there was no option to import prequel data in PES 2014 due to the new engine so this shouldn't be a problem for 2015 in regards to PS3/Xbox360 versions.

For me personally though as I never used that option it was the increased number of editable teams 2013 had 38 but 2014 had 78 which made things slower.

Paul BLAS not done yet?

Not yet, I'm still converting the files mate ;)

I see the folder contains the same number of files as the previous one. Do I need to copy any other files than the edit data if I already have 3.1 installed?

Copy them all again mate to make sure you get all the new kits ;)


Registered User
Paul - About chants again : I have created folders in the ps3's "playlists" section under "Music" ( as required ), and in "crowd support" allocated the chants to each slot of the corresponding teams within the game. Then saved it all to a usb drive.

My question is this ; now that they've ALREADY BEEN ALLOCATED to the teams, will the chants in the playlists STILL MATCH UP with those same teams, if and when I go to install them in ANOTHER ps3 ?

I'm hoping they will of course, because I've placed chants in many teams, and each one had to be allocated individually - a tedious and time consuming process ( luckily I'm a very patient person ! ) but I'm worried that when my current machine fails, I may need to do them all again ( ! ) for the next one. :unsure:


Paul - About chants again : I have created folders in the ps3's "playlists" section under "Music" ( as required ), and in "crowd support" allocated the chants to each slot of the corresponding teams within the game. Then saved it all to a usb drive.

My question is this ; now that they've ALREADY BEEN ALLOCATED to the teams, will the chants in the playlists STILL MATCH UP with those same teams, if and when I go to install them in ANOTHER ps3 ?

I'm hoping they will of course, because I've placed chants in many teams, and each one had to be allocated individually - a tedious and time consuming process ( luckily I'm a very patient person ! ) but I'm worried that when my current machine fails, I may need to do them all again ( ! ) for the next one. :unsure:

They should match up mate, but it will be worth checking if/when you have to do this.

100 pages of the best PES 2014 Option File in the planet!
Thank you again Paul, thank you so much!!!

Now worries mate ;)

ray clownz

Registered User
Halo brother just asking..coz im waiting for so long...and i asking nicely to paul...then u interrupt...if u think im annoying so what u gonna do?? Go fuck urself bro..


Halo brother just asking..coz im waiting for so long...and i asking nicely to paul...then u interrupt...if u think im annoying so what u gonna do?? Go fuck urself bro..

No need to swear or abuse people mate, as I have said many times before it will be out when it's done.


Registered User
Paul can you tell me why when I install you're Fo my game language change from french to england ??? And I lost the game options to make the change myself, the only thing I can do is delete every save files from pes 2014 then launch the game without any patch and after that install you're Fo. But if I make any change in the edit mode the problem go back again...

Any solution ? Thx for the work
