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[PS3] ste_s87 Summer Transfers Option File 1.2 (BETA) *OUT NOW*


New Member
option file

Thank you so much for all your effort and time to complete this option file, downloaded today and worked a treat, only thing that is suffering is my gameplay!
Thanks again!


Registered User
Hi again dukes,

Just copied all the files over and loaded the file up. I can see all team name changes as well as the newly promoted teams (Wolves etc).

The Man Utd 09/10 kit doesn't seem correct. Did you do the new kit for them, i.e. with the "V" on the shirt, or have I done something wrong ?

I've dl'd and copiued a few pro evo 09 files before, so am pretty sure I done the process correctly.

Cheers !


Registered User
dukes1979, Glad that the squads will be updated but...

You still haven't answered my question :w00t

All Of Them:D

Hi again dukes,

Just copied all the files over and loaded the file up. I can see all team name changes as well as the newly promoted teams (Wolves etc).

The Man Utd 09/10 kit doesn't seem correct. Did you do the new kit for them, i.e. with the "V" on the shirt, or have I done something wrong ?

I've dl'd and copiued a few pro evo 09 files before, so am pretty sure I done the process correctly.

Cheers !

Once again ALL LICENCESED team kits CAN NOT be done so no man utd do not have a new kit in my file!!:realmad::realmad:


Registered User
Squad changes

Hi dukes man!

Great OF, been using it since first version - keep up the good work!
If it wasn't your OF, I would have had a really rough summer, using
those old line-ups and all...

Just DL'd and updated V. 5.5 (took me a few trials to get the DL page to work, but with a little patience I finally got there...), and noticed a few mistakes in lineups:
Barcelona: Henrique (CB) plays as a CF instead of Ibra'vic.
Napoli: Dossena (CB or SB) plays as a GK insted of De Sanctis


New Member
Thanks for your OF!

Sorry for my bad english. Some more mistakes in 5.50:

For A.C. Milan:
- Bale (Gareth Bale) don't go to Milan, he stay in Tottenham.
- Felipe (Felipe Mattioni) not continue in AC Milan.
- Zigoni is now in first team. LINK
- Correct shirt numbers: LINK

For Real Madrid:
- Negredo go to Sevilla CF, not to Hull City.

I hope it will be useful for next version :happy:


Registered User
Hi dukes man!

Great OF, been using it since first version - keep up the good work!
If it wasn't your OF, I would have had a really rough summer, using
those old line-ups and all...

Just DL'd and updated V. 5.5 (took me a few trials to get the DL page to work, but with a little patience I finally got there...), and noticed a few mistakes in lineups:
Barcelona: Henrique (CB) plays as a CF instead of Ibra'vic.
Napoli: Dossena (CB or SB) plays as a GK insted of De Sanctis

I'll Fix

Thanks for your OF!

Sorry for my bad english. Some more mistakes in 5.50:

For A.C. Milan:
- Bale (Gareth Bale) don't go to Milan, he stay in Tottenham.
- Felipe (Felipe Mattioni) not continue in AC Milan.
- Zigoni is now in first team. LINK
- Correct shirt numbers: LINK

For Real Madrid:
- Negredo go to Sevilla CF, not to Hull City.

I hope it will be useful for next version :happy:

Done:laugh: Felipe= Your Wrong, he's on a year long loan!! Negredo is at sevilla now but DID join hull squad until real madrid pulled the plug on the deal!! As for bale he is in the proccess of moving to AC possibly but talks have stalled ATM.:laugh::laugh:


Registered User
Hey thanks for all the hard work on this OF!

the kits and new teams are great but...........

why are all the stats tweaked so high?????? its ruined the game for me!

ALSO...LESCOTT isnt at city YET, ok maybe you are sure hell go but he hasnt yet, so this doesnt work for me

SENDEROS @ Everton???? are there many more like this lurking in this edit data????


Registered User
great option file mate, could i just ask though you have loads of people in the unattached section, could you not use some of those, i.e. players that have retired and those players that have just a nationality, as i see how hard you have worked. instead of those created players such as arsenals merida and gibbs, could you use those players as there are a few spanish and english lurking about.... its just a thought.


Registered User
Hey thanks for all the hard work on this OF!

the kits and new teams are great but...........

why are all the stats tweaked so high?????? its ruined the game for me!

ALSO...LESCOTT isnt at city YET, ok maybe you are sure hell go but he hasnt yet, so this doesnt work for me

SENDEROS @ Everton???? are there many more like this lurking in this edit data????


Vash The Stampede

Registered User
Man i am downloading it atm but just a simple question ... did you fix Diego Milito (Face , Stats) cuz the smoke patch fixed his face it made me wonder if they dragged him into the screen xD


Registered User
Sorry man, but a few more things. If the teams are created, can I use them in ML at all, do they even show up? what about la liga, are they fully made too? yeah what happens if u made a ML and Become a legend, do they get deleted? And If I Changed those other teams, (eg. Team A, Team B.) into one of my own, do they get deleted as well?


Registered User
Duke I dont know how you do it man!!! Every question is the same!! Clearly noone reads the thread!! Its only 27 pages, Im sure the answer to every question asked appears if people were even arsed to read a few pages of it!!

As for transfers of one or two it yourself!!

Oh and if Lescott was at Everton, as soon as he inevitably moves to City, 6 people would be straight on the thread asking "Why isnt Lescott at City, hes been there for 4mins 34seconds, come on Duke, get the finger out!"

Dont know how you can be bothered with it.....but am delighted you are!!
