Registered User
I just want to say I think your patch is superb and I enjoy using it. Thank you for the time and effort you have spent in keeping this up to date and fresh. Big reps!
Can I ask you a question which intrigues me and I am sorry if this has been asked before but I haven't been able to access the Internet for sometime. Could you possibly explain how you have managed to update some of the licensed teams kits in your latest patch? If you can indulge any information I would be most interested. I think it adds something extra being able to update licensed teams.
Can I ask you a question which intrigues me and I am sorry if this has been asked before but I haven't been able to access the Internet for sometime. Could you possibly explain how you have managed to update some of the licensed teams kits in your latest patch? If you can indulge any information I would be most interested. I think it adds something extra being able to update licensed teams.