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[PS4] Allsvenskan 2018 by renzii.5451


Registered User

Hello everyone,it's not the first time when I have put a my works on PESGaming and for this pes season the first sweden league aka
allsvenskan 2018 with(team squad,kits,create players,image of stadium,coaches)update to 10/11/18.
The squad list you can down here(wikipedia link)

Credits:team schedule and creation I used transfertmarkt,and sofifa for overall,for kits are mine,garde,pesmaster,angeltorero,batigoal,ilmatto80,
Image,with logos team,league,stadium,choaches found on internet.!6QQyFASC!cvDaFbyVSNJj8U1QvUzAuCmiDYtmoKATuwceWbMB65s

I recommended to use this OF in another user of your ps4(league mode)
For the reason,I not idea which OF you have install and can the risk to could bust up your save.

Another Bundes(other Europe teams)playing in Champions and Europa League:!jQ50TKqS!os1_GSm36Tco84qcc8n6IOHc_dbuCOZVXRMO3gg5rhc


Ps:For problems contact me with PM and fix them.


Registered User
Do you use created players oder only IG players.

I crated the most player not in the game as similar possibile to reality(at zero)in the allsvenskan there very few players IG(to free players and national teams)to added at teams,but are there.
I hope to answered your question,bye.


Registered User
Thanks renzii! Good job mate!

Thanks men:D

Ps : i'm working with a new project baesd with the eight best team of champions league of africa(are placed in the another asian team)
maybe konami would put African fake teams, apart from the pleasure horn:(
See you soon.
