Duck No.99
Registered User
during the last 2 weeks, I have created a complete Copa Libertadores. It contains 23 teams including kits and stadium pictures. No manager pics and player appearances were added.
For around 80% of the players, I found stats on PESMaster.
It‘s for PS4.
If you want to use them for your file, here's the link to download:
Compatible with "LigaMX by B & C":
Compatible with "Erzo's LigaMX":
Here's the list of teams and the replaced team:
Other Latin American teams:
Ayatouha: Real Garcilaso (Peru)
Benbacampo: The Strongest (Bolivia)
Chequebero: Oriente Petrolero (Bolivia)
Contaquipura: CS Emelec (Ecuador)
Cosmopolizia: Deportivo Lara (Venezuela)
Diazagreccio: Penarol Montevideo (Uruguay)
Duzaghalia: Guaraní (Paraguay)
Espionorte: Delfín SC (Ecuador)
Etamuaranies: Cerro Porteno (Paraguay)
Floskrule: CSD Macará (Ecuador)
Fovragizum: Carabobo FC (Venezuela)
Guidraeniale: Deportivo Tachíra (Venezuela)
Huatyncan: FBC Melgar (Peru)
Huerpoyauza: Monagas SC (Venezuela)
Jobazavar: Bolívar (Bolivia)
Poquehillo: Independiente del Valle (Ecuador)
Quimrigna: Universitario de Deportes (Peru)
Traperzo: Jorge Wilstermann (Bolivia)
Wahuchamate: Club Libertad (Paraguay)
Xavrenaguel: Defensor Montevideo (Uruguay)
Zagrepaqu: Nacional Montevideo (Uruguay)
from PLA league:
Carizupello: Olimpia Asunción (Paraguay)
Marribohua: Montevideo Wanderers (Uruguay)
Credits for the kits go to EmersonPereira (from his PES 2018 Libertadores File). The kits of CSD Macará are not included.
during the last 2 weeks, I have created a complete Copa Libertadores. It contains 23 teams including kits and stadium pictures. No manager pics and player appearances were added.
For around 80% of the players, I found stats on PESMaster.
It‘s for PS4.
If you want to use them for your file, here's the link to download:
Compatible with "LigaMX by B & C":
Compatible with "Erzo's LigaMX":
Here's the list of teams and the replaced team:
Other Latin American teams:
Ayatouha: Real Garcilaso (Peru)
Benbacampo: The Strongest (Bolivia)
Chequebero: Oriente Petrolero (Bolivia)
Contaquipura: CS Emelec (Ecuador)
Cosmopolizia: Deportivo Lara (Venezuela)
Diazagreccio: Penarol Montevideo (Uruguay)
Duzaghalia: Guaraní (Paraguay)
Espionorte: Delfín SC (Ecuador)
Etamuaranies: Cerro Porteno (Paraguay)
Floskrule: CSD Macará (Ecuador)
Fovragizum: Carabobo FC (Venezuela)
Guidraeniale: Deportivo Tachíra (Venezuela)
Huatyncan: FBC Melgar (Peru)
Huerpoyauza: Monagas SC (Venezuela)
Jobazavar: Bolívar (Bolivia)
Poquehillo: Independiente del Valle (Ecuador)
Quimrigna: Universitario de Deportes (Peru)
Traperzo: Jorge Wilstermann (Bolivia)
Wahuchamate: Club Libertad (Paraguay)
Xavrenaguel: Defensor Montevideo (Uruguay)
Zagrepaqu: Nacional Montevideo (Uruguay)
from PLA league:
Carizupello: Olimpia Asunción (Paraguay)
Marribohua: Montevideo Wanderers (Uruguay)
Credits for the kits go to EmersonPereira (from his PES 2018 Libertadores File). The kits of CSD Macará are not included.