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[PS4] CONMEBOL Copa Libertadores

Duck No.99

Registered User

during the last 2 weeks, I have created a complete Copa Libertadores. It contains 23 teams including kits and stadium pictures. No manager pics and player appearances were added.

For around 80% of the players, I found stats on PESMaster.

It‘s for PS4.

If you want to use them for your file, here's the link to download:

Compatible with "LigaMX by B & C":

Compatible with "Erzo's LigaMX":

Here's the list of teams and the replaced team:

Other Latin American teams:

Ayatouha: Real Garcilaso (Peru)
Benbacampo: The Strongest (Bolivia)
Chequebero: Oriente Petrolero (Bolivia)
Contaquipura: CS Emelec (Ecuador)
Cosmopolizia: Deportivo Lara (Venezuela)
Diazagreccio: Penarol Montevideo (Uruguay)
Duzaghalia: Guaraní (Paraguay)
Espionorte: Delfín SC (Ecuador)
Etamuaranies: Cerro Porteno (Paraguay)
Floskrule: CSD Macará (Ecuador)
Fovragizum: Carabobo FC (Venezuela)
Guidraeniale: Deportivo Tachíra (Venezuela)
Huatyncan: FBC Melgar (Peru)
Huerpoyauza: Monagas SC (Venezuela)
Jobazavar: Bolívar (Bolivia)
Poquehillo: Independiente del Valle (Ecuador)
Quimrigna: Universitario de Deportes (Peru)
Traperzo: Jorge Wilstermann (Bolivia)
Wahuchamate: Club Libertad (Paraguay)
Xavrenaguel: Defensor Montevideo (Uruguay)
Zagrepaqu: Nacional Montevideo (Uruguay)

from PLA league:

Carizupello: Olimpia Asunción (Paraguay)
Marribohua: Montevideo Wanderers (Uruguay)

Credits for the kits go to EmersonPereira (from his PES 2018 Libertadores File). The kits of CSD Macará are not included.


PES Buck

Staff member
Thanks Duck No.99.

HEADS UP for those that update Liga MX -- Logo and Kit name name are different so you'll need to delete out the old logo and kits.


Registered User
Nice Buckshot! Thnx for all the work you put in the game!
Can i use this teams with the MLS option file instead of Liga MX?

Duck No.99

Registered User
Thanks Duck No.99.

HEADS UP for those that update Liga MX -- Logo and Kit name name are different so you'll need to delete out the old logo and kits.

Thanks for your advice, I fixed it and set a new download link.

I hope, everything is fine now.

Sorry for the inconveniences!

Duck No.99

Registered User
Nice Buckshot! Thnx for all the work you put in the game!
Can i use this teams with the MLS option file instead of Liga MX?

Unfortunately not, because the MLS slots are used by the Libertadores teams... and also: Mexican league has 18 clubs, MLS has 23. Then you have to remove 5 teams from MLS.

Maybe someone will convert LigaMX to MLS (with only 18 teams), so that you can use MLS & Copa Libertadores...

PES Buck

Staff member
Link is working again. After Buckshot's advice, I had to remove it and upload a new file.

No, your LOGO and KIT file names are different than C & D's Liga MX file.

Same with new update link.

I have their most recent version that was uploaded on 14 Sep.

That is why I put that heads up message for folks so they wouldn;t have 2 version of logos and kits.

It was a 2 minute fix.....just delete out those logo and kits from EDIT mode and re-import with 2nd and 3rd box checked.


I see you changed the Enblem file names again --- UUUGGGHHH

Before I go and delete and re-install -- I see a possible issue, your TED file dates seem to match the first file you updated......would that not be an issue with new Logo names? Wouldn't you need updated TED files to match with logo names?

Duck No.99

Registered User
No, your LOGO and KIT file names are different than C & D's Liga MX file.

Same with new update link.

I have their most recent version that was uploaded on 14 Sep.

That is why I put that heads up message for folks so they wouldn;t have 2 version of logos and kits.

It was a 2 minute fix.....just delete out those logo and kits from EDIT mode and re-import with 2nd and 3rd box checked.


I see you changed the Enblem file names again --- UUUGGGHHH

Before I go and delete and re-install -- I see a possible issue, your TED file dates seem to match the first file you updated......would that not be an issue with new Logo names? Wouldn't you need updated TED files to match with logo names?

Yes, I have the same version. I did not change any emblem or kit name of the original Mexican file. So I did not understand the issue in the beginning.
After your advice, I renamed the emblem names, imported them again and exported new ted-files of the 8 teams.

I did not want to reimport the original Mexican file because then my changes would have been disappeared and the duplicated players were in the squads again.

PES Buck

Staff member
Yes, I have the same version. I did not change any emblem or kit name of the original Mexican file. So I did not understand the issue in the beginning.
After your advice, I renamed the emblem names, imported them again and exported new ted-files of the 8 teams.

I did not want to reimport the original Mexican file because then my changes would have been disappeared and the duplicated players were in the squads again.

If you have same version, did you change emblem and kit names? Reason I ask is because on that version, they are different than your names

This is how they are named on the same version we have.

I guess the confusion comes as I was thinking you would have had same kit and emblem names on C & D's version like I have from them........especially since we have the same version.

Duck No.99

Registered User
If you have same version, did you change emblem and kit names? Reason I ask is because on that version, they are different than your names

This is how they are named on the same version we have.

I guess the confusion comes as I was thinking you would have had same kit and emblem names on C & D's version like I have from them........especially since we have the same version.

Thanks to your images with the file names, I finally found the mistake. I added the folder with emblems and kits from the Mexican version 1.0 (and not from 2.0) to my download.
Did not realize that they changed the emblem names from v1 to v2. Corrected it now and added a new link to the first post. I hope everything will be fine now.

PES Buck

Staff member
Thanks............I can fix quickly, but you know the guys not sure of OF's wouldn't realize they had two copies of the emblems and kits if they updated your version of C & D's.

The Dude

His Dudeness

during the last 2 weeks, I have created a complete Copa Libertadores. It contains 23 teams including kits and stadium pictures. No manager pics and player appearances were added.

For around 80% of the players, I found stats on PESMaster.

If you want to use them for your file, here's the link to download:

Here's the list of teams and the replaced team:

Other Latin American teams:

Ayatouha: Real Garcilaso (Peru)
Benbacampo: The Strongest (Bolivia)
Chequebero: Oriente Petrolero (Bolivia)
Contaquipura: CS Emelec (Ecuador)
Cosmopolizia: Deportivo Lara (Venezuela)
Diazagreccio: Penarol Montevideo (Uruguay)
Duzaghalia: Guaraní (Paraguay)
Espionorte: Delfín SC (Ecuador)
Etamuaranies: Cerro Porteno (Paraguay)
Floskrule: CSD Macará (Ecuador)
Fovragizum: Carabobo FC (Venezuela)
Guidraeniale: Deportivo Tachíra (Venezuela)
Huatyncan: FBC Melgar (Peru)
Huerpoyauza: Monagas SC (Venezuela)
Jobazavar: Bolívar (Bolivia)
Poquehillo: Independiente del Valle (Ecuador)
Quimrigna: Universitario de Deportes (Peru)
Traperzo: Jorge Wilstermann (Bolivia)
Wahuchamate: Club Libertad (Paraguay)
Xavrenaguel: Defensor Montevideo (Uruguay)
Zagrepaqu: Nacional Montevideo (Uruguay)

from PLA league:

Carizupello: Olimpia Asunción (Paraguay)
Marribohua: Montevideo Wanderers (Uruguay)

Credits for the kits go to EmersonPereira (from his PES 2018 Libertadores File). The kits of Independiente del Valle and CSD Macará are not included.

It's compatible with "LigaMX by C & D".
I added this Mexican league to the download because I made a lot of modifications (removing duplicate players, lower stats,...). Importing both, it will be 100% correct and no player is getting lost after import.

If you don't want to update the LigaMX, just remove the folder "Mexico".


Copa Libertadores part looks good. Did you edit the Mexican League too? I found mistakes & some players were in PES 2018. Stats & positions were not used.


Registered User

during the last 2 weeks, I have created a complete Copa Libertadores. It contains 23 teams including kits and stadium pictures. No manager pics and player appearances were added.

For around 80% of the players, I found stats on PESMaster.

If you want to use them for your file, here's the link to download:

Here's the list of teams and the replaced team:

Other Latin American teams:

Ayatouha: Real Garcilaso (Peru)
Benbacampo: The Strongest (Bolivia)
Chequebero: Oriente Petrolero (Bolivia)
Contaquipura: CS Emelec (Ecuador)
Cosmopolizia: Deportivo Lara (Venezuela)
Diazagreccio: Penarol Montevideo (Uruguay)
Duzaghalia: Guaraní (Paraguay)
Espionorte: Delfín SC (Ecuador)
Etamuaranies: Cerro Porteno (Paraguay)
Floskrule: CSD Macará (Ecuador)
Fovragizum: Carabobo FC (Venezuela)
Guidraeniale: Deportivo Tachíra (Venezuela)
Huatyncan: FBC Melgar (Peru)
Huerpoyauza: Monagas SC (Venezuela)
Jobazavar: Bolívar (Bolivia)
Poquehillo: Independiente del Valle (Ecuador)
Quimrigna: Universitario de Deportes (Peru)
Traperzo: Jorge Wilstermann (Bolivia)
Wahuchamate: Club Libertad (Paraguay)
Xavrenaguel: Defensor Montevideo (Uruguay)
Zagrepaqu: Nacional Montevideo (Uruguay)

from PLA league:

Carizupello: Olimpia Asunción (Paraguay)
Marribohua: Montevideo Wanderers (Uruguay)

Credits for the kits go to EmersonPereira (from his PES 2018 Libertadores File). The kits of Independiente del Valle and CSD Macará are not included.

It's compatible with "LigaMX by C & D".
I added this Mexican league to the download because I made a lot of modifications (removing duplicate players, lower stats,...). Importing both, it will be 100% correct and no player is getting lost after import.

If you don't want to update the LigaMX, just remove the folder "Mexico".


Amazing, thank you for your great work
