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[PS4] CONMEBOL Copa Libertadores

Duck No.99

Registered User
Copa Libertadores part looks good. Did you edit the Mexican League too? I found mistakes & some players were in PES 2018. Stats & positions were not used.

As I wrote in my opening post, I edited Mexican League. I lowered the stats and removed duplicated players.

Just a few examples regarding national teams:


Corona (GK)
Fabián (overwritten by Rivas, deleted from Eintracht Frankfurt)









I looked to "LigaMX v2.0 by C & D" and I didn't find them assigned to their club team. I found many more players (around 30), especially transferred players from South American leagues (Argentina, Chile, Colombia)...

To aviod duplicates I have removed them creating space for new fake players to edit. In parts I used them for Copa Libertadores. No national fake player was overwritten. No player had to be created. I just used player slots from PLA League and Other Latin teams...

In your file, are these players assigned to their respective Mexican league teams? If yes, then I have a different version of Mexican league. That would explain the issues after importing my file.

Regarding stats I lowered them manually for most of the players because the teams are very overrated, in my opinion. Now the teams have a strength of 2 to 3 stars.

I noticed wrong positions of the players, too, but I did not change them because I'm not an expert of LigaMX and I thought, if Mexicans create their league, they might know the correct player positions better than me.

The best way to get a proper LigaMX is to wait for Erzo's File. When it is released I will make my Copa Libertadores compatible with his file...

The Dude

His Dudeness
As I wrote in my opening post, I edited Mexican League. I lowered the stats and removed duplicated players.

Just a few examples regarding national teams:


Corona (GK)
Fabián (overwritten by Rivas, deleted from Eintracht Frankfurt)









I looked to "LigaMX v2.0 by C & D" and I didn't find them assigned to their club team. I found many more players (around 30), especially transferred players from South American leagues (Argentina, Chile, Colombia)...

To aviod duplicates I have removed them creating space for new fake players to edit. In parts I used them for Copa Libertadores. No national fake player was overwritten. No player had to be created. I just used player slots from PLA League and Other Latin teams...

In your file, are these players assigned to their respective Mexican league teams? If yes, then I have a different version of Mexican league. That would explain the issues after importing my file.

Regarding stats I lowered them manually for most of the players because the teams are very overrated, in my opinion. Now the teams have a strength of 2 to 3 stars.

I noticed wrong positions of the players, too, but I did not change them because I'm not an expert of LigaMX and I thought, if Mexicans create their league, they might know the correct player positions better than me.

The best way to get a proper LigaMX is to wait for Erzo's File. When it is released I will make my Copa Libertadores compatible with his file...

Ratings seem a lot better. While i was looking at sofifa & transfermarkt to add players i noticed it. I will wait for Erzo's file.


Registered User
I think a good way to estimate team ratings is to compare Liga MX and Ligue 1. I followed both until recently - they are about even. Except for PSG ofcourse. But then again, Ligue 1 ratings are very inflated.

Duck No.99

Registered User

I've updated the first post. I also made my file compatible with Erzo's LigaMX. Now there are two different links to download.

Spion Kop

Registered User
I don‘t know exactly what you mean.

To get a proper file and use it, you maybe should update WINRAR or WINZIP. Then the download should work fine...

trust me, i use both versions of archiving tools, lincesed, updated, on three different operating systems. Or the link is broken or the archive is bad.

Duck No.99

Registered User
trust me, i use both versions of archiving tools, lincesed, updated, on three different operating systems. Or the link is broken or the archive is bad.

When I try to download it, everything works fine... The links are working and the files are correct.

Don't know how to solve this problem. Nobody else was complaining about that kind of issue..

Spion Kop

Registered User
Works for me as well. Have you tried using 7-Zip?

yes, i tried everything, download link is broken for me, maybe the antivirus could cause something wrong but i can not afford to deactivate it. anyway, no big deal, thanks for your advices.
