Duck No.99
Registered User
Copa Libertadores part looks good. Did you edit the Mexican League too? I found mistakes & some players were in PES 2018. Stats & positions were not used.
As I wrote in my opening post, I edited Mexican League. I lowered the stats and removed duplicated players.
Just a few examples regarding national teams:
Corona (GK)
Fabián (overwritten by Rivas, deleted from Eintracht Frankfurt)
I looked to "LigaMX v2.0 by C & D" and I didn't find them assigned to their club team. I found many more players (around 30), especially transferred players from South American leagues (Argentina, Chile, Colombia)...
To aviod duplicates I have removed them creating space for new fake players to edit. In parts I used them for Copa Libertadores. No national fake player was overwritten. No player had to be created. I just used player slots from PLA League and Other Latin teams...
In your file, are these players assigned to their respective Mexican league teams? If yes, then I have a different version of Mexican league. That would explain the issues after importing my file.
Regarding stats I lowered them manually for most of the players because the teams are very overrated, in my opinion. Now the teams have a strength of 2 to 3 stars.
I noticed wrong positions of the players, too, but I did not change them because I'm not an expert of LigaMX and I thought, if Mexicans create their league, they might know the correct player positions better than me.
The best way to get a proper LigaMX is to wait for Erzo's File. When it is released I will make my Copa Libertadores compatible with his file...