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[PS4] DFL OptionFile 2017 (Bundesliga and more)


Registered User
DFL OF 2017

- FULL BUNDESLIGA (All Squads, Kits, Stats correct
- CORRECT EMBLEMS AND KITS for all ingame leagues
- 100% FREE!

- Bundesliga Creation Thread Faces
- Paul2478 Stats
- Kits by PESUniverse and angeltorero + friends

Please post your questions and wishes for the file in this thread!​

Incredible, Thank you very much!​


Registered User
hi, I know that if too many files upload at a time would be crashed.

Would you separate each league with one folder?

Thanks a lot for your effort!:wub::wub:


New Member
Thanks for the patch

Thanks for the option file
DFL OF 2017

- FULL BUNDESLIGA (All Squads, Kits, Stats correct
- CORRECT EMBLEMS AND KITS for all ingame leagues
- 100% FREE!

- Bundesliga Creation Thread Faces
- Paul2478 Stats
- Kits by PESUniverse and angeltorero + friends

Please post your questions and wishes for the file in this thread!​


Registered User

Ich habe mir das video angeguckt.
Es ist wirklich sehr gut :)
Nur eine fragen, wenn Konami morgen denn Live update macht, verspringt dan nicht alles.

Keine Sorge, deswegen kommt das OF ja ca. 18:00 Uhr, also NACH dem Patch, denke er wird dann noch letzte Änderungen vornehmen und DANN das OF rausbringen. Die Frage ist doch vielmehr, was tun im November wenn Konami den nächsten patch rausbringt, ich denke wir müssen vorher jede unserer Mannschaften sichern bevor man den patch draufspielt.

No worries, that's why the OF will be released around 6 PM, meaning AFTER the patch, I guess he will do some final touches before releasing his OF. Question is, what happens in November, when Konami releases the next patch, I guess we will have to save each and every team before downloading the next patch.


Registered User
Hi Cristiano, great work.

Do you use the Players from the national teams for the Bundesliga Clubs?

For example Yunus Malli from Turkey for Mainz?


Registered User
Super Arbeit, freu mich schon.....vielen Dank.

Top work, looking forward to it.....many thanks.


New Member
Hi, great work by you guys,once i import the option file,do i have to check the two boxes before i install the option file?
