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PSM3 hands on


Registered User
PSM3 are going to Japan next week and will one of the first to try the game!!!

This is taken from their website.

PSM3's first verdict
So, on the surface, a lot of changes. What will it all mean? Hard to tell until we see the game next week, when we head to Japan for the first-look - with details to follow in PSM3#128, on-sale June 3rd. Don't miss out. Subscribe to PSM3 in time for PSM3#128 here. For now, we're interested to see how Konami will resolve the tension between full 360˚ non assisted passing and shooting, with players' need to play a simple pass, or to expect Rooney to score a tap in from five yards without having to precisely angle the pad and apply the correct pressure.

Customisable right stick tricks are potentially inspired; doubly welcome because it signifies a shift away from the d-pad tricks of old, that blighted PES 2010's part 360˚ analogue/part digital feel.

As for Online Master League, a small part of our brain is peeping like a Victorian kettle at the prospect of 'live' online auctions, where only one player can afford virtual Torres; leaving us to assemble a team of world beaters on the cheap armed only with our Mourinho-esque tactics, and Steve Bruce-style eye for a Latin American bargain.

Bottom line: expect it to look, and feel, a lot more like FIFA, but, potentially, with the depth of game modes you'd expect of Pro Evo. As ever, we'll know more next week.

Reading between the lines, it sounds like the focus is on top player's individuality, and their ability to create magic in one-on-ones - hopefully, showing off the new animation system.

More as it happens. Do you like what you're hearing? Keen to know more? Or happy to keep playing FIFA and look back on PES like a fractured, painful, split from a once devoted lover? Er, or similar.



Registered User
Hmmm, tricks on the right stick? Sounds like some othet footy game whose name I can't quite remember...

i think its the game with wayne rooney on the front ,, i cant remember the name either, the last i heard they had a world cup game just released...hmnnn


Registered User
I hope they don't cancel "right anlaog stick passing.". This is the most used passing system of mine.. I hope they implement it with the usage of R3.. It was like that before for PES series...


Registered User
I really want to know what shooting will be like. I want pes 6 shooting back with box nets. I want to hear that rattle of the net and stablizing bars as the ball smashes in. I think the whole players' stats drop when they get tired could add a really good layer to the gameplay.

I cannot wait for this preview. They'll prob be a tad bias but a lot will be honesty. I really want to read about what their impressions are on gameplay. Like Adam said in the podcast I close my eyes and imagine myself blasting through tackles with Gerrard and then belting in a 25 yarder and everytime I imagine it It feels great.

I am a bit pessimistic though cos each year when you look back promises the same stuff and almost never achieves it so I'll only really believe it when I see it
