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Psm3 thoughts on pes2010

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Registered User
Amateur hit the nail on the head with that one. As for 360 movement vs card system both are excellent concepts and in terms of importance I feel they're equals. Would be awesome if a game had both.


Registered User
No one can say it is fact that 360 degree movement will be better. I have a suspicion that it could make the controls fiddly and awkward and slow, which is one of the things I hate about FIFA. Unassisted passing and shooting on FIFA is difficult but very good by the way, could add another couple of months to gameplay for me.


Registered User
No one can say it is fact that 360 degree movement will be better. I have a suspicion that it could make the controls fiddly and awkward and slow, which is one of the things I hate about FIFA. Unassisted passing and shooting on FIFA is difficult but very good by the way, could add another couple of months to gameplay for me.

This is a stupid thing to say.
Of course it will be better,because will add more realism.Players don't move by 8 directions in REALITY,so stop with this "you don't know if 360 degree movement will be better"!:realmad:


Registered User
I know what he's saying though.

In theory it should be great, but if it isn't implemented properly, there could be problems with it and it could cause more harm than good.


Registered User
^True. It could be. 360 movement can do harm if nopt done right and will make it even more unresponsive though I don't think it will.


Registered User
To further my point, look at the collision system in FIFA.

Yes, it's a great idea and the animations look fantastic when players are moving in different directions all the time based on how they collided with another player, but it's way over-done. The collisions happen too often and instead of being able to just dodge a player, there are times when you'll run into a grounded player and stumble over them, resulting in you losing the ball.

For all the improvements noted in both PES and FIFA this year, I still remain wary as to what may've been taken out of the respective games. Because let's face it, PES and FIFA are known to replace stuff rather than just add.


Registered User
This is a stupid thing to say.
Of course it will be better,because will add more realism.Players don't move by 8 directions in REALITY,so stop with this "you don't know if 360 degree movement will be better"!:realmad:

No, its not a stpid thing to say.

What is stupid to say is: " 360 movement? Of course itll be good! what can go wrong?"

Well my friend what can go wrong is that by FIFA10 ( after about 15 years of these games ) I still don't feel the difference between playing with Barcelona and Middlesbrough, that's the problem that EA need fixing.

FIFA09 had 8 directional movement and everyone complimented it on how well the game moved. Its the animations that matter when t comes to movement moreso than 360 movement.

Not saying it wont be good -- as a matter of fact I think it could make it more challenging and fun ( if only for awhile ).

But EA had more urgent fixing:

Team playing style ( so that Chelsea and Arsenal play different )

Individual Play style ( so I can tell the difference between Messi and Titus Bramble )

Fix online ( so that not everyone uses the best teams all the time )

Responsiveness ( should be second or first priority along with Teeam/Indidvidual styles )

shankly is god

Registered User
Jesus hope we dont have another you kno who.......but yes if fifa don't implement it correctly then it will once again fail....for me fifa always puts too much into the game which spoils it... for me if fifa 10 has unrealistic AI where slow fat defenders are as fast as torres, ronaldo etc then it will fail 360 movement or not


Registered User
Jesus hope we dont have another you kno who.......but yes if fifa don't implement it correctly then it will once again fail....for me fifa always puts too much into the game which spoils it... for me if fifa 10 has unrealistic AI where slow fat defenders are as fast as torres, ronaldo etc then it will fail 360 movement or not

in what way too much?


Registered User
Fifa 09's biggest problem was responsivness. It made it impossible to imitate Messi in the game because he does moves way faster in reality than in the game. Also dribbling skills were underrated because defenders were overrated. By this I mean that the defenders defend too much and makes it close to impossible to dribble a bit with the ball. So Messi and C.Ronaldo's style cannot be done in the game.


Registered User
Master League news coming Wed 9am

With previous press releases all stating that the Master League is being overhauled with new 'managerial aspects', many posters have been speculating what exactly this means.

Well, the wait is nearly over. The first few details and key features will be released this Wednesday at 9am GMT on PESFan so make sure you set your alarm clock and log in to find out what new features have made it into the new Master League.


Thanks for the heads up Alolo, the PES section on here will no doubt become flooded with the news and opinions. I'm genuinely starting to appreciate the PES series more strangely while other people distance themselves further from it. While it's obvious PES 2009 was poor online, I'm enjoying the ML as it is so any improvements will be excellent. :)


Registered User
Master League news coming Wed 9am

With previous press releases all stating that the Master League is being overhauled with new 'managerial aspects', many posters have been speculating what exactly this means.

Well, the wait is nearly over. The first few details and key features will be released this Wednesday at 9am GMT on PESFan so make sure you set your alarm clock and log in to find out what new features have made it into the new Master League.

Thanks for the info. Great.:)
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