shankly is god
Registered User
^ your like an hour behind or in front i forgot lol but it will be there when you do wake up ha ha
Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
So is the Champs League incorporated into the Master League or what?
Yeah, as is the Europa League.
is this official dude, or you just hopeing?
Official, was announced probably two weeks ago.![]()
^^ Yh. Here's a hint(not from me):
"The best hint i can give to one of the new elements is:
Arsene Wenger - He doesn't invest money in the transfer market, he's known for.........."
^^ you will always get this no matter how many times pro evo comes out...its the rivalry of the two "football simulations" so again you will always get the argument for and against..which is not a bad thing im always for a good civil debate with open ever tech never gave his opinion he just said "fifa is the best fact!" and was not willing to hear anythings else and was quite rude about it.....
but if he does ever come back hopefully he will be as hopefully any debates be civil and only a matter of opinion as thats what drives results really...
Becarful what you wish for.............
Right now, im just enjoying reading some of the rediculous posts I see on this forum (the posts about the new playing cards being just as important to gameplay as 360 movement was just unreal), noting the occasional good ones, and just surveying.
Again, its not about supporting a game, It's about not being blinded by fanboyism.
But dont worry, 8 weeks to go, we shall see If i was right or not.
HA HA HA welcome back, but honestly you should be the last one accusing others of fanboyism because with you everything that FIFA does or is about to implement in their game is perfect.
most of us here are looking forward to both games and are reading all the info about both games and are giving our opinions over what we think will have a big impact on both series keeping in mind what we already experienced with both games so far.
you on the other hand are trowing PES out of the window before even giving it a chance and there's no logic in that.
in the end the best football game will be getting most of our playing time.
this year it was PES and unless FIFA has much more up it's sleeve then we are used too it will be PES again.
because all the things some people complain about are mostly BS untucked shirts, goal nets, licenses,real stadiums, the boots, commentary,8 directional movement( this most ring a bell).
those were never the things that we first loved about PES, that was for the FIFA fans.
most PES fans fell in love with the gameplay and even FIFA has figured that one out by now so all that we are about to here and see (because yes even seeing a gameplay video doesn't tell you how it plays, you have to feel that by yourself) in the coming months will mean nothing because in the end you will make up your own mind when it's in your console.
if it comes with everything else( the BS ) then it's a plus.
FIFA is just like dating a hot girl, that can't cook, isn't great in bed etc and when u get to know all these things about her you really have to take your time to explain to people why you dumped her because they are blinded by her looks, but you know the truth.
Becarful what you wish for.............
Right now, im just enjoying reading some of the rediculous posts I see on this forum (the posts about the new playing cards being just as important to gameplay as 360 movement was just unreal), noting the occasional good ones, and just surveying.
Again, its not about supporting a game, It's about not being blinded by fanboyism.
But dont worry, 8 weeks to go, we shall see If i was right or not.