Woah woah woah. I need to stop you right there. I currently own both PES 2009 and FIFA 09. I started with PES 2009 and became bored of it after around 4 months, so I bought FIFA 09 and that fast became mundane to me only probably 1 month in. I'm now selling FIFA 09 and I'm back on PES's Master League.
We know FIFA's MM doesnt have the longevity of Master league, but the gamplay is superior, note how ea are revamping the manager mode, whilst PES have the same old shitty Master league for year and years, it took them about 10 years to put real money in it, slow progress is an understatement. You still have to end the whole master league just to be another team, laughable in this day and age.
While PES is adopting some of FIFA's points, I think people are being very quick to forget just how PES has helped shape FIFA into the biggest selling game that it is today. No one remember having to repeatedly tap "triangle" just to sprint in the old FIFAs? EA Sports undoubtedly adopted PES's entire control system, from the sprinting buttons to lobbed through balls, pretty much everything except the shoot button. FIFA then attempted to incorporate a mroe tactical element to formations recently, albeit not superbly executed but that's to be expected when Konami have been experienced in this specific department for years already. Either way, it doesn't matter who "steals" from who, because both EA and Konami have done it, and we shouldn't complain if it's going to make each game that much better.
Again, we know this, the point is being missed here. As of right now, FIFA is not the game in decline, fifa isnt claiming fifa 10 was 'years in the making' and FIFA isnt taking average PES ideas and then claiming them to be headline changes. Especially something like custom tactics, which seems to be PES's headline improvement this year, point is, who the fuck is gonna buy the game for that shit (other than fanboys) when they can get it in another game. It took them 2 years to introduce that shit right? Its like FIFA turning around this year and saying "This year guys our big change is- you can switch your teams attack from defensive to offensive mid game" Who gives a fuck, its not a major change. If they are gonna take from fifa, take the better ideas (which is what fifa did to them) like 360 movement, dont take custom tactics then try and make it out to be revolutionary, when it clearly isnt. haha.
One more time so people understand, im not critiscing PES for taking fifa ideas, im slagging them off for taking minor fifa ideas and then making them out to be headline changes, 2 years in the making= a 0-100 tactical slider gage which you can already get in another game, hahahaha, again if you think im wrong, wait for the reviews in spetemeber time.
Another point I have to call you up on here mate is you stating that FIFA has "the most advanced physics system available" - utter bollocks. While it's all great to laugh at the excellent collisions that FIFA provides, whether it's a 3-man pile up in a tackle or a misaimed lunge at your teammate, the actual ball physics of FIFA has over the years and still is poor. The ball simply doesn't move in a realistic manner, the spinning is way too erratic and the deflections are often ridiculous. I'll agree on the hit detection physics and collisions, but as far all ball physics, PES has always been ahead of the game in that department, without question.
Waste of breath, Seabass himself admitted fifa had a better engine and he would consider using it if he could. PES's ball physics are hilarious, players feet dont even touch the ball and it goes like a rocket, ball always deflects to AI controlled players, balloons all over the place, you cannt make it curl along the floor like you can in FIFA, fucks sake its only in recent pes games where you can bend the ball inside out, horrible shit. But again, wait till september when you see the ball physics in fifa 10 then we shall compare them to pes and have this discussion.
I do agree though about the lack of innovation and inspiration in the PES series lately, the last real intriguing addition was "Become A Legend" obviously and while you were able to playout a whole career which was good fun and realistic, there were still flaws such as teammates playing poorly in your presence all too often. It wasn't a bad attempt, but I was expecting better. FIFA constantly adds new elements, but the problem is a lot of the time they aren't actually great. The last inspirational addition FIFA made was the use of the "Arena" - however even from this it only highlighted the problems with FIFA, especially in the physics and programming areas. Whilst playing in the Arena before, even though I tried to, I still hit 10 shots in a row with exactly the same outcome as the ball moved in exactly the same way and hit the backwall in exactly the same place. This is my main gripe with FIFA, the outcomes of shots are too pre-programmed and limited, and while the PES goalkeepers are shocking, at least I can't replicate the same shot to a tee every time.
For me, FIFA09 was more hype than gameplay, but it's obvious PES still needs to find it's feet. PES 2009 wasn't a bad single player game, but the online was pathetic, and if Konami are able to upgrade the single player a little bit while replicating PES6's online capabilities then I think the PES series will once again take the crown. Either way, it's all preference and I just want an enjoyable football game, so it doesn't matter to me which game you all opt for.
FIFA 09 was not perfect, but when most sane people and even one of the main writers of this website admits its more advanced than pes 2009, that says it all to be honest. The game was horrible, old and outdated, players have an awful sense of positioning, no midfield battles, you can take one player and go through entire teams, CPU defenders move out of the way to allow you in on goal, the AI scripts like crazy, player attributes mean very little, games are sporadic and end to end, so many reasons why that game is a shocker.
The reason why I will rep EA is that they are addressing FIFA 09's problems (and there are quite a few), and they have the courtesy to come online and specfically tell what is and isnt getting done. Can the same be said about Konami? cos for all the shitty 8 driectional, old master league, the disgraceful AI, the poor physics, the pooor player positioning, horrible sound, CPU automated passing how many of these and other faults are actually being addressed?
If you read the PSM3 article about PES2010. I could have sworn they said there werent that many new animations on the 50% build but their might be more coming... and as for that untucked shirts crap and being able to select teams based on fitness, thats fucking embarassing as a so called 'proper change'.
PES these days is an aracde game, you really think a serious football game player is gonna go back to an 8-directional CPU automated passing and shooting game, when i can play manual or semi_manual, actually weight my own passes, and move in 360 degrees, with same the fucking tactics gage konami have, just in a different place in the menu?
Ermmmmm no.
PES doesnt give the level of control the other game does, and guess what, next year is gonna be the same old story, why? cos Konami are moronic and have been fobbing you off with a tweaked PES for year and years. Next gen = more control, more realism, more options, pes just doesnt deliver.
And Shaun7 is completley correct, both games have a way to go before being completley next gen, but PES isnt even remotley close right now, look how far this game has come along since PES3, not much at all in all those years, its a disgrace. Every thing ends some day, ISS PRO EVO- PES 6 where the best money could buy, they fucked it up, now its over till they see sense.