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Put Your Ps3 Tag In Here For Games!!!


Registered User
Hi guys, just thought if any genuine non cheating PS3 PES players fancy a game, stick your tags/ps3 usernames in here!



Registered User
If ur up for non-cheating games with non premium teams ie barca, man utd inter etc.
Take a look at our new league which is just starting up.


Registered User
If ur up for non-cheating games with non premium teams ie barca, man utd inter etc.
Take a look at our new league which is just starting up.

Just started playing online. Is there cheating online? Been gettn whooped and crazy stuff happening while playing. Lag or CHEAT!!!

Tony -Y-

Registered User
Tony -Y-

Be great to find some honest players. Sick to death of cheats and c**ts that always go barca/brazil/inter/Man u.

I like to play using tier 2 teams (valencia, Bayern, Juve, Porto, Newcastle etc) or random is good.


Registered User
Tag = inny

(Must admit I do use top teams sometimes, but only against opp who use them too!)


Registered User
i run a friendly pro evo league and we have 2 job vacancys (man city, newcastle).Message me at ps3 id wraithsfall if interested
