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Rules Clarification (All Read)


Registered User
The rules are now being posted here as well. From now on, there'll be no excuses from anyone for not following them.;

Double Posting/Spamming
- First offence: Booking
- Further offences: 24 Hour Bans

Triple Posting
- First offence: 24 Hour Ban
- Further offences: Week Ban

The above rules are to be applied if the new Double Post Automerger feature doesn't work. More info HERE

Swearing: at other members
- First offence: Booking
- Further offences: 24 Hour Bans

Swearing: Persistent Aggressive/Unecessary Swearing:
- First offence: Booking
- Further offences: 24 Hour Ban

Swearing: in thread titles
- First offence: Booking
- Further offences: 24 Hour Bans

Swearing: at administrators/moderators
- First offence: 24 Hour Ban
- Further offences: Week

- First offence: 48 Hour Ban
- Further offences: Week/Month/Year/Permanent

Posting [Linking to] unsuitable material
- First offence: 48 Hour Ban
- Further offences: Week/Month/Year/Permanent

Persistent offenders risk further sanctions.

These are guidelines, they will normally be followed however in exceptional circumstances sanctions may be reduced or increased as necessary. If you receive any of the above sanctions in line with the above offences do not complain, else you risk furthering your sentence.

This is not an exhaustive list of offences, but some of the more common.


I will happily answer questions anyone may have.
Last edited by a moderator:


Registered User
Cool... can I ask why you have the double posting rule? Is it to keep more space on the servers or stop people padding their posting amount?

Otherwise, thanks for the clarification - I wouldn't have known about the multiple post rules you see!


Registered User
The double posting rule is there because people don't need to make consecutive posts before somebody else replies. That's what the multi-quote option is there for. If you forgot to put something in your original message, use the edit function.

And yes, it's to stop the post-whoring, which adds to the credit amount users have, each time they post.


Registered User
Swearing is allowed as long as it's not in the thread title or aimed at other members. But doing so excessively without reason will get you a warning.


Registered User
Ok, cheers for clearing it up. I understand why you do it now, and it seems fair enough.

So the credit you acquire.... what can that be used for? I didn't think it had any relevance!


Registered User
well if you look at baddars bit he has got 3 blue things which is a jewell in the rough and if you look at mine im a bit of a loser:lol:


Registered User

Not really though. He didn't moderate anything, more just explained something to me about the running of the site. That to me would be explaining the administration of the site. Therefore that would be good administration.

I'll agree to disagree though... :happy:


Registered User
These rules are in place, but currently you cant edit a post.

I am wanting to post again on a thread that I have posted on in the last 3 hours, this would be classed as a double post.

Am I at the moment allowed to do this as I have today been banned for doing this (even though I explained in my message why I was double posting) although the ban has since been over turned!

Just want to confirm what I am meant to do with posting as I dont want to be banned again for something beyond my control (a private message would be helpful so I dont miss the information)


Registered User
If you can't use the edit button while booked, you're going to have to wait 3 hours in between posts if no-one else has posted.

As said in the PM, I don't know who banned you, but it seems that's been dealt with now.


Registered User
Its a bit silly not having an edit button and stopping me from posting for 3 hours on the same thread, it obviously isnt my fault if i havent got the edit feature but have something to say again on a thread that i may have forgotten or need to add

Also there is no time of when the previous post was added so how do i know when 3 hours have passed (if i dont check the time)

Steven Dodds

New Member
Please Help

Pardon my ignorance. I have a normal xbox360 (unchipped) and i want to acquire a fully edited option file as the edit for PES 2009 is shite, once again.

I liked the old PS2 editing 'back in the day' - the graphics may have looked shit but atleast the in-game editing was adequate enough to be able to fix all the shit Konami left out.

The new in-game editing is pure balls, as many of you will agree - hardly any kit options, drawing looks pixelated, limited space to save emblems/logos etc etc...

I am in despair! lol

Can someone please help me?

I need baby-step instructions! Can I buy a memory unit with all the edits from anyone? Or do I have to get my xbox chipped and buy a data transfer kit thing?

I would really, really appreciate it if someone could tell me what my options are...



Registered User
Make a thread in the editing section, or look in Completed Files to find what you're looking for.

Why you posted in a "Rules Clarification" thread, I'll never know.
