Signatures - offending signatures will be removed without communication and users simply re-applying their signature may have the privilege removed entirely.
Posting and Behaviour
Spamming/Repeatedly making consecutive posts within short spaces of time
- First offence: Booking
- Further offences: Bans at the discretion of the mods/admins
Swearing: at other members
- First offence: Booking
- Further offences: At the discretion of the mods/admins
Swearing: persistently aggressive/unecessary:
- First offence: Booking
- Further offences: At the discretion of the mods/admins
Swearing: in thread titles
- First offence: Booking
- Further offences: At the discretion of the mods/admins
Swearing: at administrators/moderators
- First offence: 24-hour ban
- Further offences: At the discretion of the mods/admins
- First offence: 48-hour ban
- Further offences: Likely to result in a permanent ban
Posting [Linking to] unsuitable material
- First offence: 24-hour ban
- Further offences: At the discretion of the mods/admins
Persistent offenders risk further sanctions.
These are guidelines, they will normally be followed however in exceptional circumstances sanctions may be reduced or increased as necessary. If you receive any of the above sanctions in line with the above offences do not complain, else you risk furthering your sentence.
This is not an exhaustive list of offences, but some of the more common. - offending signatures will be removed without communication and users simply re-applying their signature may have the privilege removed entirely.
Posting and Behaviour
Spamming/Repeatedly making consecutive posts within short spaces of time
- First offence: Booking
- Further offences: Bans at the discretion of the mods/admins
Swearing: at other members
- First offence: Booking
- Further offences: At the discretion of the mods/admins
Swearing: persistently aggressive/unecessary:
- First offence: Booking
- Further offences: At the discretion of the mods/admins
Swearing: in thread titles
- First offence: Booking
- Further offences: At the discretion of the mods/admins
Swearing: at administrators/moderators
- First offence: 24-hour ban
- Further offences: At the discretion of the mods/admins
- First offence: 48-hour ban
- Further offences: Likely to result in a permanent ban
Posting [Linking to] unsuitable material
- First offence: 24-hour ban
- Further offences: At the discretion of the mods/admins
Persistent offenders risk further sanctions.
These are guidelines, they will normally be followed however in exceptional circumstances sanctions may be reduced or increased as necessary. If you receive any of the above sanctions in line with the above offences do not complain, else you risk furthering your sentence.
This is not an exhaustive list of offences, but some of the more common.