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sammy_k_84's Option File (including Championship and missing CL teams)


Registered User
hey people, i update sammy's option file to work in 1.07 DLC..
I dont import new transfers, only converted original files..
All credits goes to sammy_k_84, for his awesome OF..

I hope he will soon make new OF, till than this one will be usable..

sorry for my bad english...

download here


Registered User

hey people, i update sammy's option file to work in 1.07 DLC..
I dont import new transfers, only converted original files..
All credits goes to sammy_k_84, for his awesome OF..

I hope he will soon make new OF, till than this one will be usable..

sorry for my bad english...

download here

TYVM stands for our appreciation for such help from u pal, impressive progress , but i have a question for u plz ? can u remove the "uniform.bin" in the included OF which refers to the National Kits ? Konami Update already some of the new National Teams such as Spain , Portugal ........ and many


Registered User
This is great, been using it for a while. Are there going to be any updates for the new Season? If not it's cool, thanks for the hard work.


Registered User
heyy..bin waitin for your update!...need a recent option file that works for a non-updated pes 2010...thanx bro


Registered User
I will not update Sammy's OF, I just convert it to 1.07 and that's all...
We will wait Sammy to update his excellent OF... ;)


Registered User
if he hasnt released an OF since march, i dont think he will say either wait for the pes2011 demo on sept 15th, or wait for Tornado's latest OF to come out


Registered User
Stop W8ing Cuz I think ......... And It's Just A Thought That Sammy Is W8ing Too ........... For The New PES and It's Worth W8ing ....... Right? (And I Hope It's Not The PS3 :D)


New Member
greetings all + Sammy

N00b here, hi first of all. Recently looked into updating pes 2010, downloaded edit 1.4 but says a "d3dcxl" file is missing, or something when I try to run the game after installing it. I take it I need to install 1.3? With that said, do I also need to install 1.2 and 1.1 aswell? Then install Sammys new update..... or am I way off the mark???? Advice would be muchos appreciated. Cheers people :)


Your contribution is sorely missed in PES2011.

Thanks for all your good work sammy, I hope to see your OF again in PES2012+.



Your contribution is sorely missed in PES2011.

Thanks for all your good work sammy, I hope to see your OF again in PES2012+.

