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sammy_k_84's Option File (including Championship and missing CL teams)


Registered User
If anyone wants it I have a modified version of this with Derby County instead of Blackpool. One of the biggest clubs in the division with highest attendance last season should be in there.


Registered User
If anyone wants it I have a modified version of this with Derby County instead of Blackpool. One of the biggest clubs in the division with highest attendance last season should be in there.

I was very tempted to have Derby, but I decided to be ruthless and look at the Championship table (at the time of creating) to decide who to cut. Derby at that point were in the bottom 5. Not sure about removing Blackpool though, as they're currently 5th in the Championship. I felt that it should include the teams most likely to be promoted, and based on the start of the season, Blackpool has much more of a chance this year than Derby


Registered User
I was very tempted to have Derby, but I decided to be ruthless and look at the Championship table (at the time of creating) to decide who to cut. Derby at that point were in the bottom 5. Not sure about removing Blackpool though, as they're currently 5th in the Championship. I felt that it should include the teams most likely to be promoted, and based on the start of the season, Blackpool has much more of a chance this year than Derby

Hmmm. I guess theres more than 1 way to do it.

Personally I think the best way would be to go by attendances/size of club - as its likely higher attendance = more people wanting to play that team in pro evo. Thats the only reason I replaced blackpool.


Registered User
I already understood that he's not putting the Bundesliga teams in Teams B, that's OK by me.

That uploaded file arguing was just a minor change I've made to edit file, and I didnt change anything important at all, I've just inserted some correct Cup names (like Copa américa per example)...

And it is just the edit file standalone so alone it is useless because you dont have the kits or anything, it was just a way of giving it to sammy since I cannot send files here in the forum.

But OK maybe it would be better to send a PM with this, I understand why you're calling me arrogant.

Sammy I am sorry for being incovenient, I will now delete my last post with the link, I am deeply thankful for you sharing your hard work, and you can count with my support, although I believe I had a wrong start here..

Didn't mean to be disrespectful, sincerely, I got excited to your work and somehow I forgot it was YOUR work :)

BTW I am using your patch and not looking forward to change ;)

I'm happy that you understand how important to give Sammy the support. It's not easy making such OFs and he has sacrificed precious times in doing so. I hope we all continue to learn from our mistakes and once more be a part of this OF.


New Member
Sammy Do U Recommend This : " Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 Update 1.02-ViTALiTY "

It Says That It Fix Some Issues With The Game ! Is It Official ? Did KONAMI Released A Real Update ! ? + Thanks Alot For The OF ! Best OF 4 Ever :)


Registered User
Does anybody know if there is a way to completely delete a player? What about deleting a team, I think it would make player and team creation much easier if you could remove old players/teams first?


Registered User
Sammy Do U Recommend This : " Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 Update 1.02-ViTALiTY "

It Says That It Fix Some Issues With The Game ! Is It Official ? Did KONAMI Released A Real Update ! ? + Thanks Alot For The OF ! Best OF 4 Ever :)

There was a slight update released today by Konami. It doesn't affect the file, so it's worth downloading. It's usually safest to download updates straight from the Konami site. Here's a link to it...


Registered User
is there please a way to use your patch without adding the championship teams? if not im giving up on this game i cant find one. sorry i just want a option file with kits and logos wothout extra teams because im working on an australian a-league patch but im a noob when it comes to these things i cant find a basic option file with just kits and logos if you could help id appreciate it and credit you of course just so hard this side of world no one gives a shit bout soccer here

Thanks let me know i understand if u cant help :)
Last edited:


Registered User
Sammy I have a question.

When a new Download package is available for PES (like players updates), what happens?

1. Nothing since your EDIT file is installed?
2. Squads updated according to Konami's?



Registered User
Great OF sammy_k_84..
I use your OFs only..
Just one thing..can you please add Barclays Premier League Logo? Also, if possible FA Cup, Euro and Worldcup logos also...


Registered User
Hello Sammy,
do you know what I can do to unlock some of the team options so that I may modify their uniforms? I noticed that teams like France, Portugal, Germany are locked in while others I can change the strip.
thanks, your patch is awesome!!


Registered User
Sammy, I've noticed some misses on the OF...
*Jarque (CB-Espanyol), died this year;
*Nilmar (CF-SS - Brazilian), isn't yet on the Villareal.
*Fabio Rochemback (DMF-Sporting) is loaned for Grêmio (Brazil)

For now just this! hehehe

*And sorry for my english! ;)


Registered User
i extracted the files but when i load the game i don't see up to date transfers for juventus eg grosso still at lyon, ekdal not at siena etc. what am i doin wrong? i went to edit and load edited data, still nothing.. help please!


Registered User
Hello Sammy,
do you know what I can do to unlock some of the team options so that I may modify their uniforms? I noticed that teams like France, Portugal, Germany are locked in while others I can change the strip.
thanks, your patch is awesome!!

You can't edit the licensed teams' uniforms. :rolleyes:


Registered User
Does anybody know if there is a way to completely delete a player? What about deleting a team, I think it would make player and team creation much easier if you could remove old players/teams first?

You need to use an external editing tools for PES 2010 which you can Google and use

is there please a way to use your patch without adding the championship teams? if not im giving up on this game i cant find one. sorry i just want a option file with kits and logos wothout extra teams because im working on an australian a-league patch but im a noob when it comes to these things i cant find a basic option file with just kits and logos if you could help id appreciate it and credit you of course just so hard this side of world no one gives a shit bout soccer here

Thanks let me know i understand if u cant help :)

It is not possible because Sammy cannot customize this OF to meet our personal needs. If you do not want the teams, you have to remove them yourself by editing the OF using some editing tools. But you have to be knowledgeable about that

Sammy I have a question.

When a new Download package is available for PES (like players updates), what happens?

1. Nothing since your EDIT file is installed?
2. Squads updated according to Konami's?


Good quesiton!

Well both options can happen, it all depends on the released update. By default, if you update the game with Konami's official updates, it get rids of your contents which is to say your saved team roosters in the OF. Other details are not affected though like your saved options and games. Then you have to re-apply Sammy's current OF after any update you make to revert such changes.

But this particular released update has no effect on whatsoever your game contents are. So it's safe to update with the recent release and don't worry about it changing your game data.

Great OF sammy_k_84..
I use your OFs only..
Just one thing..can you please add Barclays Premier League Logo? Also, if possible FA Cup, Euro and Worldcup logos also...

I don't think this is possible because there are no extra slots for logos in the game database.

Sammy, I've noticed some misses on the OF...
*Jarque (CB-Espanyol), died this year;
*Nilmar (CF-SS - Brazilian), isn't yet on the Villareal.
*Fabio Rochemback (DMF-Sporting) is loaned for Grêmio (Brazil)

For now just this! hehehe

*And sorry for my english! ;)


I can't believe this and infact I had some doubts after seeing this. I had to do my home work again because I watched Villarreal recent match where Nilmar actually scored a brace. Well for your observation:

*Jarque (CB-Espanyol), died this year; ---> Correct: He should no longer be on the team/game
*Nilmar (CF-SS - Brazilian), isn't yet on the Villareal. ---> Correct: I'm sure this was a miss by Sammy
*Fabio Rochemback (DMF-Sporting) is loaned for Grêmio (Brazil) ---> Correct: Already played more than 12 games this season for his on-loaned team Gremio

Nice catch, keep it up...........

i extracted the files but when i load the game i don't see up to date transfers for juventus eg grosso still at lyon, ekdal not at siena etc. what am i doin wrong? i went to edit and load edited data, still nothing.. help please!

Did you read the instructions in the notepad file before extracting the files? You should do so and follow exactly what is says to resolve your issue because this happens from a wrong installation of the OF.
