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[SEASON 2013/2014] Threads


Registered User
Just thinking... If the new "motor" of PES 2014 change alot or all the editing thigns (parameters of faces, habilities of stats etc...) all the work in all the leagues 2013/2014 would be missing.

Mate, you're right. Something similar happened with PES 2011 and 2012 (I think the nose and mouth of the players and the cheen had consequences), and the stats and abbilities also.

That would be a problem but there are some people that will still playing PES 2013 and they would like to keep their leagues and players updates.

On the other hand, if that happens, lot of our work would be missing... so, I think KONAMI must give us some clues (¿pistas?) of how PES 2014 will be.


Unfortunately this could be possible, but the informations Konami submitted look more like that it only changes things like "game feeling"...


Registered User
We have to wait until the next game comes out. It might be different as it uses new engine. At this time, all of these threads might be just for PES 2013.


Just thought I would post to say well done to everyone who has started their new league threads.

If anyone has no interest/time to keep their thread updated please let us know so we can close it down & someone else can take over.

Also post if you plan to take on one of the leagues that no one has accepted or you plan to create a league that isn't on the list. ;)


[MENTION=213037]kitfisto[/MENTION] let me know when you have started as I have some stats for the teams relegated from the Bundesliga ;)


Registered User
Hi folks

I said that I would take on the Scottish Premier League thread and the Stadium Creation thread

I am still really happy to do so but at this moment my laptop is broken and i cannot do the editing i want right now.

If anyone wants to do these thread instead andcan devote time and commitment to getting it perfect i wont complain.

Let me know


Registered User
Hello. I just wanted to say that I won´t start a Liga Zon Sagres Thread because I don´t have so much time anymore so my focus will be on the 2.Bundesliga Creation thread and the nationalteam threads


Registered User
Hello. I just wanted to say that I won´t start a Liga Zon Sagres Thread because I don´t have so much time anymore so my focus will be on the 2.Bundesliga Creation thread and the nationalteam threads

hi kitfisto. As you dont have much time to make Liga Zon Sagres thread, I talked with paul, and I asked him, if I could be in charge of the thread. He said that was good. What you say? Don't you mind?
Thanks and greetings ;)


Registered User
Bad news guys, unfortunately, because I'd like to concentrate on Ligue 1 & 2 and the face build index, I'm not able to continue the Russian Premier League Thread.
Anybody interested in taking this one over?


Registered User
[MENTION=207354]Guiterrez18[/MENTION] I want to take Kit finder index

About the function of Kit finder index, what do you think if in the index could be a photos finder index, too?

Example: If I request for pics of the Arsenal home kit 13-14 anyone can help me posting photos of that kit.

I suggest you to put the Exports files sharing thread, I want to be in charge of it :)
