Like everybody else on here, I was obsessed with PES (or WE as it was known here) for the PS2. PES 6 was the ultimate, most thoroughly enjoyable football game ever made. However, the absolute embarrassment that came after the jump to PS3 scared me off to FIFA, and only now have I come back to familiar waters (though I won't get in to how some things have still not changed).
My question is this: what happened? Can somebody please give me an explanation why jumping from PS2 to PS3 had such a disastrous affect? Everything was already there in place, why can PES 2013 not be PES 6 with better graphics? How did everything just disappear and everything seemed like it just started over from scratch??
This is a serious question. I love PES and im happy to be back. It's not a moaning thread, just something that has really bothered me over these last few years.
That's an interesting question: anyways, what happened to PES, is that video games such as PES5 and PES6 were based on 2D mechanics, and because 2D is extremely limited (and in my opinion more entertaining than the hybrids of 2D/3D we get nowadays), designing a "hardcore" 2D video game was not as difficult as some would think.
FIFA back in the PS2 days, never tried to be "hardcore", due to many obvious reasons, the most obvious one, being the fact that shallow video games usually sell better, so why even risk loosing a stable fan base by producing a "hardcore" game?
Of course, once the jump to the PS3 took place, well EA Sports came out, right from the get go, with improved 2D mechanics: instead of just the old eight directions, the same old system was now attached to the left analog stick, which made the game look quite modern when compared to the joke that PES08 was.
As a result, Konami was forced into doing something that they clearly were not prepared to do: making a "hardcore" video game based on the directional potential of the left analog stick, which is ten times more difficult than making a "hardcore" video game where the concept or design of the game is eight directional.
With the directional sticks, you get a completely different animal: organic, you get different layers of depth within each direction of movement, which is why it is so difficult to produce "hardcore" 3D games. In order to make a "hardcore" analog-based video game, Konami would need to reinvent every single aspect of the game: which, again, is something that Konami never intended to do in the first place.
Long story short: PES is not "hardcore" anymore... ever since they distanced themselves from the eight directional design, the meaning of stats has lost significance, because that's what happens when the same old 2D concept is applied to the left analog stick: the analog is far too clever and advanced for the system, and as a result, breaks the system.
Konami has tried to conceal just how broken PES is at this point, by adding gimmick after gimmick: "player ID" and "dynamic one two" and all that shit, overly complicated controls in order to do extremely simple things, all in an effort to conceal how broken and how shallow PES is at this point.
In my opinion FIFA13 shites all over PES13 with consummate ease, because EA Sports spent about a whole decade making video games for the casual market, and because Konami was dumb/naive enough to not foresee what should have been obvious to any team of professional game designers. At the end of the day, Konami was forced to play EA's game right from the get go (as far as the PS3 era is concerned), and at least efforts like PES09 and PES10 were still loyal to the PES roots, but ever since PES11, Konami has been trying to produce a "hardcore" version of FIFA, which of course, is not even possible to begin with.
I'm actually glad that EA Sports, in all their greedy glory, exposed the laziness (some would call it arrogance) of Konami. Konami thought they could get away by adding better graphics to the same old eight directional system, and that the game would retain that "hardcore" edge for the next four to six years: epic fail... and I'm glad it happened to the short-sighted little dudes. It's crazy to think just how low the bar has been set, that many people would be "ok" with a version of PES6 with updated graphics. Sad :/
With PES 2013, Konami are definitely back at the table both in terms of offering both an original and exciting gaming experience and in terms of the online functionality. The battle from a Konami point of view however is to win back the fanbase that they have by now alienated and pushed over to the dark side.
I don't care much for the offline V CPU mode, but online around 80% of the goals I concede are from 1-1's. Despite the huge variation in tactics and startegy options, the only thing that makes any sense is a deeply packed defense, a packed attack, and long ball strategy selected and relentlessly implemented. This pisses me off. What pisses me off even more is that fact that crossing the ball is a largely futile pursuit. This isn't football, this is bullshit. With PES 2013, play football and you lose, play bullshit and you win.
Oh how quickly can an opinion change. With PES13, Konami are definitely back at the table.... Oh wait (one month later), this isn't football, this is bullshit....
PES13 is so bad, that the people who try to like it, and are delusional enough to actually believe that they like it, eventually cannot keep up with their delusion, because it's just too fucking difficult to enjoy this sim game.