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Skill cards in ML


Registered User
Skill Cards

Want to turn you defender that has overall rating at 83 into a overall rating of 92? and or a GK from a overall of 79 to 91? Well skill cards can help you. Have a look at what skill cards your players already have. If one of your players doesn't have a card in the list below you, you could raise his overall rating 1-4 points per card. Ill start with Goal Keepers

GK - max +12

DF leader +4
One on One Keeper +4
Penalty Saver +4

CB - max +9

Slide Tackle +3
DF Leader +2
Man Marking +2
Covering +2

SB - max +5

Slide Tackle +1
Covering +1
Man Marking +1
Passer +1
Quick turn +1

DMF - max +6

Man Marking +1
Slide Tackle +1
Covering +1
Passer +1
One Touch Play +1
One-Footed Roulette +1

CMF - max +3

One on One Finish +1
One Touch Play +1
One-Footed Roulette +1

SMF - max +3

Covering +1
One-Footed Roulette +1
Slide Tackle +1

AMF - max +5

One on One Finish +1
One Touch Play +1
One-Footed Roulette +1
Slide Tackle +1
Quick turn +1

SS - max +6

Reaction +1
One on One Finish +1
Passer +1
One Touch Play +1
Quick turn +1
One-Footed Roulette +1

CF - max +5

Reaction +1
One on One Finish +1
One Touch Play +1
One-Footed Roulette +1
Quick turn +1

I hope this helps, using this method you could train your Buffon from 95 to 104 :D

edit - Utility Players

Say you have a player who's primary position is CMF but can also play DMF. Say this player is 90* and he already has One on One Finish, One Touch Play and One-Footed Roulette so you won't be able to improve his overall and CMF rating anymore. But say his DMF rating is 85*, now you can give him Man Marking, Slide Tackle, Covering and Passer and you will increase his DMF from 85* to 89*, but this won't rasie his overall even tho he is better than before beacause the overall rating is determined by the players primary position. (He needs to have DMF or teach it to him first.)

edit +2 position = +1 to overall rating

Also ive just found out that every 2 new position you teach a player (Via Specialist Training -> Position) the players overall will go up by 1 point. This will even work if you teach a CB player CF and SS the player will still gain +1 point. (Works for every player except GK)


Registered User
Interesting! Where did you get the exact figures from?

I created "God" by creating a player with top marks for everything and who could play in any position...on the bench he's 100 and something but I think in position he maybe less. Or maybe it goes from 120 down to 103 or somethig like that

He's not that great though. Sorry G...I mean can hit the target from ridiculous distances, against average keepers, but can't dribble all the way out of defence easily, just gets robbed by sheer number of defenders to beat. Rock on Konami's zonal defence!


Registered User
I went into edit mode and picked a player who had no cards and then added one card at a time (took the card away before adding a new one) and observed what each card did to the player's overall.


Registered User
Sorry for bumping this but I've found these figures really useful for my up-and-coming players so guessing others might not mind the thread being on the front page again :p

Reason I'm posting though is that I was wondering if anyone knows whether players with multiple positions can benefit from more than one of these bonuses. Take for example a player who has both DMF and CMF positions open to him (as part of his character I mean, obviously you could put anyone anywhere if you really wanted) - they both get a bonus from One Touch Play and One-Footed Roulette, but would One on One Finish and Passer both give him extra overall rating or would it only count for his "main" position ie: the one it states him as if on the bench or unsigned?

Any help on this would be appreciated, as obviously it may look good (even if it's not practical :happy:) to train a pitch player as a goalkeeper and give him the +12 points available from that position and could make for some interesting utility players!


Registered User
Say you have a player who's primary position is CMF but can also play DMF. Say this player is 90* and he already has One on One Finish, One Touch Play and One-Footed Roulette so you won't be able to improve his overall and CMF rating anymore. But say his DMF rating is 85*, now you can give him Man Marking, Slide Tackle, Covering and Passer and you will increase his DMF from 85* to 89*, but this won't rasie his overall even tho he is better than before beacause the overall rating is determined by the players primary position. (He needs to have DMF or teach it to him first.)

As for turning a pitch player into a GK it isn't possible as the game doesn't alow it(Via Specialist Training -> Position).

So the answer to your question is that bonuses will only count for the primary/main position.

Also ive just found out that every 2 new position you teach a player (Via Specialist Training -> Position) the players overall will go up by 1 point. This will even work if you teach a CB player CF and SS the player will still gain +1 point. (Works for every player except GK)


Registered User
Ahhh yeah that makes sense, and explains why I have an AMF who seems to have a higher rating playing as DMF :p cheers that's definitely a big help to my training :)