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Soloution for online error 'UDP 5730'.


Registered User
I had this problem where i went to go online and couldnt actually get on it cos of port 5730, i have been in touch with konami and sorted it, it is hard to explain but if you post what router or broadband you have in this thread i maybe able to help as i have a website where you can 'port forward' and the 2 ports you need to open.

Get back to me


Registered User
Hello there,

I am using Virgin media broadband (Use to be NTL)

Router is a Buffalo Air Station G54.

Windows Vista and have firewall enabled.

Same problem with everyone else with error connecting so hope you can help!


Registered User
Hello there,

I am using Virgin media broadband (Use to be NTL)

Router is a Buffalo Air Station G54.

Windows Vista and have firewall enabled.

Same problem with everyone else with error connecting so hope you can help!

try this To get into the home hub menu, go to your web browser and go to the following URL
and use
Username admin

Password admin


Registered User
sorry man, i have bt home hub took me about 3 hours but finall done it and had 3 online games iill email konami for you cos i know a man there and see if he can help you.


Registered User
i have a bt home hub and i have this problem.

I can get into my home hub menu and i can access the device sharing settings. I manually tried to add the game and typed in 5730 everywhere to see if i could open that port with no luck.

what is your solution please mate, would be a great help.


Registered User
i have a bt home hub and i have this problem.

I can get into my home hub menu and i can access the device sharing settings. I manually tried to add the game and typed in 5730 everywhere to see if i could open that port with no luck.

what is your solution please mate, would be a great help.

right mate go on your hub management the go on advanced,then continue to advanced, youll be asked for a password and username use admin and admin if you dont know yours, then go configuration, application sharing,type pro evo in, then the little boxes underneath put 5730 in everyone along then add, then go back to those boxes and do the same with 3658 and add, then go back to configuration and applications shring, choose pro evo out of the drop down then to its right choose your device so ps3 (may show up as unknown) then apply, and simply enjoy, gt back to me. Aj.


Registered User
yeah like i said i already put 5730 every where and selected UDP.

i don't understand where i have to put 3658? do i have to create a seperate application?


Registered User
How do you find out what make and model your router is? Mines an ntl one but all it says is NTL: Home on it! CHeers


Registered User
i tried the above method too but didn't work. I put 3658 and 5730 in all the boxes and added both seperately. Selecting UDP in the process in drop down menus.
However, when going back into config, selecting 'pro evo' and assigning 'unknown...etc' device' (this is detected as wireless and im assuming is my ps3)...this does not seem to save? Everytime i apply and go back in the device has changed to some other device connected via USB. (yet when i click on 'edit' again it says 'unkown..etc' still.
Any idea why? I havn't a clue when it comes to this sort of thing!! Only reason i got PES was to go online so so far it's been a waste of time and money! :-(


Registered User
right mate go on your hub management the go on advanced,then continue to advanced, youll be asked for a password and username use admin and admin if you dont know yours, then go configuration, application sharing,type pro evo in, then the little boxes underneath put 5730 in everyone along then add, then go back to those boxes and do the same with 3658 and add, then go back to configuration and applications shring, choose pro evo out of the drop down then to its right choose your device so ps3 (may show up as unknown) then apply, and simply enjoy, gt back to me. Aj.

I tried all this and it still did not work. i even tried different devices. all of them were tried and still no joy. any other reason why this may be happenin?


Registered User
update: mine is FIXED!

here is what i did for BTHomeHub further to Beatties solution.

After inputting 3658, then 5730 under pro evo and going back into 'configure' menu...selecting 'pro evo' and linking this to your PS3 andputting tick in 'log' box.

What i then did is: on 'devices' in left hand menu on 'edit' next to your PS3 device
3...change 'type' to gaming console in drop down menu apply

For good measure i also done what someone else said and unplugged my router, turned ps3 off, turned router back on, then turned ps3 back on.

After this i went onto PES08 and it worked instantly!!

Hope that can be of help...whether it was the 4 steps or the power on/off that fixed it i'm not sure...just do both and it should work! :)


Registered User
can you take a screen shot and post it of the screen where you put the numbers? (3658 and 5730)

maybe you have to reset the router for the changes to be applied?


Registered User
by the way in my bthomehub settings it says my game console is NOT ACTIVE what does this mean, how do i activate it?


New Member
do exactly what these guys r saying and then makesure u turn off the PS3 and flick the router on and off...wont work otherwise, needs to reset itself for changes to take effect.
thats BT homehub anyways....
