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stupid form


Registered User
i'm so getting sick of this way-too-frequent form drops in BAL..i've just finished a first season with a CF-a fairly good season (getting an atleast 7.0 rating on ALL of the matches i started from the first minute), yet i finished with an overall rating of 6.72!..which, ofcourse, effects the clubs that want to sign you on during the negotation period..
..the reasons for this weakened average rating are ofcourse the weak form matches, where the manager subbed me in somewhere in the 65th minute (i play 10 minute matches). So if i managed to score, assist or ''play well'' during those fictional 25 minutes, i got a 6.5-7.5 rating, but most of the time, i hardly ever got the ball, ending up with a 5.5.-6.0 rating! It really depends on your team, but as we all know, they're not very reliable most of the time..there were times, where they gave me the ball often, and even without scoring/assisting, i managed to play well enough in those 20-some minutes to earn a 7.0 and even a 7.5 rating once..but much more often, they would just be making stupid mistakes and failed passes, resulting in myself getting like 2 or 3 matter what i did with them (aside from scoring/assisting..or dribbling half the court, but in the first season you're lucky to get past one defender as it is), i was rated with a lousy match rating..

..i know i'm just criticising, but it's really frustrating to have a 7.4 rating after 4 matches, then you get a ''bad form'', and three matches later (despite playing on similar level) you're down to a measly 6.7!..especially when this ''formdrops'' occur every 3-4 games and last just as long..


Registered User
I think everyone gets pissed off with the rating system in BAL but an average of 6.7 for your first season is better than I got and even in my second I struggle to get 7.0 consistently. What difficulty are you playing with Limphy?


Registered User
^usually top player, but i'm currently testing out the idea of playing on professional with increasing all players' agility and response by 5 (except your own..atleast that's how i understand it), as suggested by Sabatasso..however, this seems to produce a quite similar experience to that of playing on regular top player for now..

..but i've had the exact same rating problems when playing on top player (around 6.7 first season), and i know it's actually a pretty solid rating even for later seasons, it's just the fact that i know i've earned better that's frustrating me (and in this particular case, not getting any better offers-forcing me to stay with
Valencia for atleast another half-season)..and i actually believe the rating system is pretty spot-on in the full-length matches, it's just those subbed in game ratings that aren't right..i feel as if those 20 minutes you play are somehow falsely extended to a full match length, by just multiplying your for instance, if all you manage to do in those 20 minutes is give 2,3 passes, that achievement is, in example, multiplied by 4 (to roughly match the entire match length), which would make you give 8-12 passes in the entire match, and nothing more (no shots on goal, intercepts,..)..which, indeed, would mean you had a pretty lousy match worth of an around 6.0 rating


Registered User
The form drops really annoy me, I had a red arrow and scored 2 and made 1 assist, then the next match i was purple and on the bench. Subbed on in the 60th minute, out of position, and got a 5.5 rating. So irritating!
