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Tutorial: Taking Free Kicks
My 1st Tutorial thing kindof thread so be easy on me =P.
Right.. if you've wanted to take a free kick and actually score it. This is kindof a small guide to taking a free kick, i've scored many in my time playing pes 2008 (most with jaric from defualt ml team =S), but anyways a friend told me these methods of scoring free kicks quite long ago.. does always work so please dont complain =P.
Free Kicks from 25m and under.. (may be 20m and under)
1. Get a player such as Pirlo from Ac Milan or Ronaldinho from Barca, Juninho from Lyon.. or any player with good free kick acc. , swerve and reasonable power.
2. Make sure your aiming for the last or second last player of the wall.. maybe move so its aiming at his foot.
3. Now when shooting hold UP (easier on analoge stick) and press X (On Xbox) ( [] On PS3) untill the power bar reaches half way or a tiny bit under half, sometimes maybe a tiny bit over half.
4. Move the stick left or right to whatever direction u want to curl it hold that during the run up and through untill the shot.
5. Quickly hold A (X on PS3) during the run up untill the player strikes the ball.
Hopefully this should result into a good curling free kick (which goes in), if not then try to move the position your aiming for as swerve has alot to do with it or try changing power.
Now For..
Free Kicks from 25m - 40m (May not work at 40m.. add more power if it falls short)
1. Get a player such as Pirlo (for 25 - 30) Roberto Carlos is probably best for this.. well the longer free kicks.. but experiment with players.. or any player with good free kick acc. and swerve and good power again.
2. Make sure your aiming for the last or second last player of the wall.. maybe move so its aiming at his foot (depending on the swerve).
3. Now when shooting hold UP (easier on analoge stick) and press X (On Xbox) ( [] On PS3) untill the power bar reaches half way or over half.
4. Move the stick left or right to whatever direction u want to curl it hold that untill the shot is finished.
5. Quickly hold Y (Triangle on PS3) untill the player strikes the ball.
Hopefully this should result into a long range curling free kick (which goes in), if not then try to move the position your aiming for or maybe try a bit more power.. or less.
For 40m +, try power between half and all the way. (Roberto Carlos is probably best to do them with aswell)
Well I hope this has been a help to people, some of you might already know this, (i think theres a youtube vid on it).
Good luck and happy free kicking.
My 1st Tutorial thing kindof thread so be easy on me =P.
Right.. if you've wanted to take a free kick and actually score it. This is kindof a small guide to taking a free kick, i've scored many in my time playing pes 2008 (most with jaric from defualt ml team =S), but anyways a friend told me these methods of scoring free kicks quite long ago.. does always work so please dont complain =P.
Free Kicks from 25m and under.. (may be 20m and under)
1. Get a player such as Pirlo from Ac Milan or Ronaldinho from Barca, Juninho from Lyon.. or any player with good free kick acc. , swerve and reasonable power.
2. Make sure your aiming for the last or second last player of the wall.. maybe move so its aiming at his foot.
3. Now when shooting hold UP (easier on analoge stick) and press X (On Xbox) ( [] On PS3) untill the power bar reaches half way or a tiny bit under half, sometimes maybe a tiny bit over half.
4. Move the stick left or right to whatever direction u want to curl it hold that during the run up and through untill the shot.
5. Quickly hold A (X on PS3) during the run up untill the player strikes the ball.
Hopefully this should result into a good curling free kick (which goes in), if not then try to move the position your aiming for as swerve has alot to do with it or try changing power.
Now For..
Free Kicks from 25m - 40m (May not work at 40m.. add more power if it falls short)
1. Get a player such as Pirlo (for 25 - 30) Roberto Carlos is probably best for this.. well the longer free kicks.. but experiment with players.. or any player with good free kick acc. and swerve and good power again.
2. Make sure your aiming for the last or second last player of the wall.. maybe move so its aiming at his foot (depending on the swerve).
3. Now when shooting hold UP (easier on analoge stick) and press X (On Xbox) ( [] On PS3) untill the power bar reaches half way or over half.
4. Move the stick left or right to whatever direction u want to curl it hold that untill the shot is finished.
5. Quickly hold Y (Triangle on PS3) untill the player strikes the ball.
Hopefully this should result into a long range curling free kick (which goes in), if not then try to move the position your aiming for or maybe try a bit more power.. or less.
For 40m +, try power between half and all the way. (Roberto Carlos is probably best to do them with aswell)
Well I hope this has been a help to people, some of you might already know this, (i think theres a youtube vid on it).
Good luck and happy free kicking.