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Team PESGaming (PS3) - Fifa 13 Clubs

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I'll be popping into either Sainsbury's or Currys after work, so I hope to be on tonight. I also haven't played the demo, so I'll be even shitter than usual.


Registered User
Should be a laugh. To be fair it's not hugely different to Fifa 12. It's just first touch control might catch people out.

I don' think anyone's created the club yet. Have we even decided on a kit/name.


created my pro last night; attributes for Pros seem to be a little more balanced this year compared to last. Started as a box to box LMF with a club right foot.


Registered User
Made my Pro a CAM but really enjoyed playing striker last night so might have a change around later.


I've made mine as an RF, played one Pro Ranked game - me against some other guy; I was in control of my VP, he the whole of his team - and I picked up one achievement (wahey!). There is an ever increasing chance that I will be online at a decent hour tonight.

Our sales and marketing teams got absolutely wrecked at an event last night so they won't be out for long this evening which suits me fine as I wanted to save money anyway. Hopefully I'll be able to sneak away quickly and play FIFA like a sad ****.
I might buy this cunt game tonight/tomorrow; i'll let you know if and when I make my VP and i'm sure to be around to help lose games.


I won't be able to check for about 2 hours. However, a guy I work with also ordered from Amazon and hasn't received his today so I'm a little worried that mine won't arrive either.


Registered User
I got mine today and it's so addictive! Played about 5-6 offline games straight and I can't stop.

Love it so much, can't wait for our club to start playing.


Sainsbury's were out of stock and Currys are closed for refurbishments. I'll try to get it tomorrow, after the Arsenal-Chelsea game.
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