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The one and only "Just got my online demo code!" thread


Registered User

I don't mind that I didn't get the code. I just thought i'd say I want it.
I got the PES2010 Demo and all this info to keep me happy :dancer:

@ PES89: Ano, i'd rather not get the code at all if it isn't gonna work :(

I'm loving that dancer!!!!! he makes me happy!!!!!



Registered User
I see loads of people saying they got the code.. i checked my email and it was there...

does any know how long it will last for..?

The Liverpool Way

Registered User
to quote a famous restaurant, I'm lovin it!!! :dancer:


LMAO... Ok I think it's time to get back on topic because this is totally :eek:fftopic:

( BTW alanjog, when posting, just click 'go advanced' and then at the side will be a list of smilies, click 'more' and you'll see the full list...Just saying incase you ask me again ;) )



Registered User
i have managed to get 5 10 min matches in. in thoses games i had NO LAG AT ALL!!!! the response for passing was the same as the demo released a while back. Its looking good my friends....

The Liverpool Way

Registered User
i have managed to get 5 10 min matches in. in thoses games i had NO LAG AT ALL!!!! the response for passing was the same as the demo released a while back. Its looking good my friends....

Sounds good. Except for the response time, hopefully thats fixed in the full game, even though it doesn't bother me about the response times.


Registered User
Is this on PESFan when they asked whether you wanted to online test? Because I replied too....

yeah just back from online.. its the pesfan one

no lag whatsoever ;) had a couple of good matches lol loads of liverpool v germany matches lol...

response times seemed ok.. i'd imagine the final game is much improved


Its a bit early to say that - they haven't exactly got serious server load yet have they? Be increasingly hopeful by all means but keep an open mind.
