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The perfect recipe for PES 2012


Registered User
1. Take PES6 game engine
2. Strengthen and improve Defencive AI and take attacking AI from PES2011
3. Improve all-round AI positioning
3. Make AI less forgiving in attack - so it doesn't miss easy chances.
4. Add PES2011 Master League with fixed transfer exploit
5. Add training from PES4-5
6. Add whole edit mode including Stadium Editor from PES2011
7. Add more minor leagues to ML
8. Add more divisions and lower league teams
9. Add kit selection from PES5 except for Real Madrid and Liverpool etc.

If Konami does this then I think we have a winner.


Registered User
take pes 6 engine lmfao, pes 2011 is on another level to pes 6 in terms of pure gameplay.


Registered User
@Timbone: You can dream...

@SDP: and in PES6 at least players did what they were supposed to some of the time - full backs going forward on the OUTSIDE for example. Anyway I just used it as a base for the feel of the game. PES2011's gameplay is good in parts but as a complete package its no where near as good as its ancestors, and in some respects exactly the same.


Registered User
In my opinion, pes 6 is very overrated. Pes 5 was much better because it was way more balanced and the shooting curled better aswell.

Pes 6 was the first pes game that started the defending problems. Although it was a great game, I think some people overrate it too much. Pes 11 on the other hand made some things better than 6. Tactics
Individuality - your players not the AI's
Defending is good overall and much better than in pes 6

These 3 things make pes 6 look like nothing compared to 11. BUT pes 11fails horrible in:
The AI - every AI team player doesn't have enough individuality
Response- especially on volleys. The overall response sucks compared to pes 6
Shot feint takes ages to do it and doesn't work well
Defence catching up

Seriously if they take the pes 11 engine and fix the AI, defence catching up, FIX THE RESPONSE and feint system, make dribbling better (this comes from response times the most) and refine other areas, I feel that it would be better than if you take the pes 6 engine because at least, the pes 11 engine is not outdated and is already ps3 quality.


Registered User
I see what your saying Athlon, pes 2011 as an overall package is not as polished as last gen games.

Apart from your pes 6 comments I agree with your other points.

@shaun 7

I remember pes 6 started the move towards arcade, that game had some illogical flaws such as auto tackling giving away penalties and defenders moving out the way for no reason.


PES 6 is a glorified piece of shit game.

It was good for its time, but if they actually did what you wish for here, PES12 with PES 6 engine, you would bitch and moan so badly that your mother would need to slap you.

For the record, PES 5 after a few fixes, was a much better game than PES 6. Heck, I even like PES 4 better than PES 6 for obvious reasons. PES 6 was the first declining PES release, and is pure arcade.

On release I would say PES 6 was about 80% as good as what you would expect, and PES 2010 was about 65%. Because new games are evolving, the oldies are declining about 5% per year. PES6 anno 2011: 80-25= 55% and PES2010 anno 2011: 65-5=60%

Just some numbers to explain what I mean.

I would also rate PES 5 as 90%, and PES 2011 about 70% on release.


Registered User
I still say pes 5 is the best in the series in terms of gameplay. It's tough yet realistic. Tho ther is room for improvement (just here and there) it's much better than it's successors. Pes 2011 with an updated pes 5 game engine would be perfect


Registered User
In my opinion, pes 6 is very overrated. Pes 5 was much better because it was way more balanced and the shooting curled better aswell.

Pes 6 was the first pes game that started the defending problems. Although it was a great game, I think some people overrate it too much. Pes 11 on the other hand made some things better than 6. Tactics
Individuality - your players not the AI's
Defending is good overall and much better than in pes 6

These 3 things make pes 6 look like nothing compared to 11. BUT pes 11fails horrible in:
The AI - every AI team player doesn't have enough individuality
Response- especially on volleys. The overall response sucks compared to pes 6
Shot feint takes ages to do it and doesn't work well
Defence catching up

Seriously if they take the pes 11 engine and fix the AI, defence catching up, FIX THE RESPONSE and feint system, make dribbling better (this comes from response times the most) and refine other areas, I feel that it would be better than if you take the pes 6 engine because at least, the pes 11 engine is not outdated and is already ps3 quality.

I agree with your point. Even though PES5 always had massive fundamental flaws, at the time it was great, and it also was a very balanced and polished video game.

With PES6 is where Konami started improving certain areas of the game at the expense of other areas, which destroyed the balance of PES5. In my opinion, PES6 is just another example of what happens when you try to perfect things that have already been perfected to their fullest potential.

But to say that PES6 was arcade and that PES5 was not arcade, is (as far as I'm concerned) complete and utter bullshit: PES5 was a balanced arcade, PES6 was a biased arcade, that was the only real difference.

As for current gen PES. PES11 offers some new things, but I think that PES11 should have been, at the very least, PES09. At its core, PES11 is just as arcade as PES6 was, it is more balanced, offers a few irrelevant but modern nuances, but other than that it remains the same old pin-ball game.


Registered User
Based on the PES games I have, I can choose some things from everyone and I think the game will be great. They have done this stuff before!

I really liked the Qualification Process for the International Cup with the ability to call players to the National Team before each qualification round and then your 23 man squad just before the cup starts.
That was from PES 2008 in PS2.

Now on 360
PES 2008. The ambient on the stadium was great before the match, with the people showing flags and throwing flares. Also when there was a Cup there were ballons and more things.
When you played Inter VS AC Milan for example, more flashes and more people from the media were there.
I think the crowd looked better in 2008 than now.

PES 2009. The arrows and the way you can made your lineup!!!
I really miss this and cannot compare to the way you do your settings and formation in 2011. Yeah you can choose were you want your player to be placed on the field... well you can do that same thing in 2009 and more.

Also the ability to do my own leagues and cups.

PES 2010. The graphics!. You can see the players looked very real and even the stadium with each one with a different turf pattern according to real life, unlike 2011 where all grass is the same yellowish one.
Also the player cards as they were supposed to be, so you can turn them on or off and not just being there showing the abilities of the players ¬¬.
Also the stability in term of gameplay, because even when 2011 is better, for me 2011 it is unstable at times when you want to do something and your player simply doesn't do that or the pass goes to any other place.

The extra European teams that the game has. Like Brondby, Hearts, Kalmar, etc.

PES 2011. I like this gameplay but it can be better by much. Giving the stability I was talking about before.

So, with that and few other improvement in animations and graphics the game for me will be a killer.... and I actually will buy it, because this time I'm not going for it in the first day as before, until I rent it and watch it for myself.
Also what will be good is that you can play Master League with the South American teams and qualify for Copa Libertadores.


1. Take PES6 game engine
2. Strengthen and improve Defencive AI and take attacking AI from PES2011
3. Improve all-round AI positioning
3. Make AI less forgiving in attack - so it doesn't miss easy chances.
4. Add PES2011 Master League with fixed transfer exploit
5. Add training from PES4-5
6. Add whole edit mode including Stadium Editor from PES2011
7. Add more minor leagues to ML
8. Add more divisions and lower league teams
9. Add kit selection from PES5 except for Real Madrid and Liverpool etc.

If Konami does this then I think we have a winner.

Sorry lad but even as far fetched a dream you're having of all this happening, the game would still suck balls for some other new reason because that is the nature of it. It's doomed and can't be fixed, I realised this after 2009.


Registered User
Its doomed and can't be fixed:lol:

Tell that to people like me who have enjoyed 2011, also don't act like your opinions fact makes you look a bit of a tit mate.

Although I did feel like PES was doomed after playing 2008 and 09, fucking awful games.


Its doomed and can't be fixed:lol:

Tell that to people like me who have enjoyed 2011, also don't act like your opinions fact makes you look a bit of a tit mate.

Although I did feel like PES was doomed after playing 2008 and 09, fucking awful games.

I will not deny that I can be a bit of a tit.


So can I, your post just hit a bit of nerve with me. I feel your frustration as konami have took the piss somewhat the last few years.

Exactly pal, we can talk and discuss this until the cows come home and I have more than done this in the past to some great length, but when push comes to shove Seabastard and co will do whatever they want like they have continued to do since just after the time they broke it (after pes6).

You know in your heart they'll fix one thing and make a complete balls of something else for no reason. That's how they roll.


Registered User
Exactly pal, we can talk and discuss this until the cows come home and I have more than done this in the past to some great length, but when push comes to shove Seabastard and co will do whatever they wants like they have continued to do since just after the time they broke it.

You know in your heart they'll fix one thing and make a complete balls of something else for no reason. That's how they roll.

But I loved PES 2011 mate, so for me its on the right track, this time last year I would have agreed with you. I don't want pes 2012 to be that much different to 2011.

I rated pes 2011 on a par with pes 5 so the PES series is well and truly back for me.

It would not surprise me if konami fucked something up though, at times pes 2011 can be the most frustrating piece of software ever made but it brought the joy back for me, therefore I don't expect or need massive changes from 2012.

Its all subjective though, not trying to change your opinion I honestly hope you find some joy from 2012.


Like every year it won't hurt me to check it out, I won't be buying it on release day though that's for sure. The thing that really annoyed me most about 2011 was the lag on shooting and the power on the shots in general. On top of that then you got the dodgy Gks dropping everything and standing still when the balls goes straight past them.

Oh Jesus I'm going there again....


Registered User
Like every year it won't hurt me to check it out, I won't be buying it on release day though that's for sure. The thing that really annoyed me most about 2011 was the lag on shooting and the power on the shots in general. On top of that then you got the dodgy Gks dropping everything and standing still when the balls goes straight past them.

Oh Jesus I'm going there again....


Dont go there dundons, us PES fans have had enough collective pain to last a life time.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with 2012, and if not there's always the other game.


Registered User
Actually, The only change in 2012 apart from graphics really is players moving around and creating space - well thats the big change. There are some minor changes like the way they present the players stats e.g.
Dribbling - A
Defence - D
Strength - B
Speed - A
Vision - B
Or something like that....
