Registered User
Yes, that would work, the only thing that matters really is the file name. If you rename any kit with BvB_Home and put it into the WEPES folder it will import that image when you import the BvB.ted.Thanx dude. 100% crystal clear. Let me ask somethin extravangarde now!!!
Lets say i have from another user OF, a BvB.ted that comes and imports with BvB_Home.png kit. Let's assume that this team is destined to be imported over Xakoulagos. But i want another team over Xakoulagos.
If i keep the BvB.ted and create a png of another team, lets say a HSV kit, but i name it exaclty as the previous, aka BvB_Home.png and i paste it nearby BvB.ted in the same folder in WEPES/usb. Will i trick the system and it will import me a HSV kit , that it is just another .png file with same name BvB_Home.png, or does it use other hidden certificates for the .png, so having a file with the same name, does not do anything?
I hope it is clear what i am asking. I search the common-link point between the .ted and the .png, in case i can exploit it, to save some time for my self.![]()
P.S.: I know that what i ask, is possibly ridiculous!![]()
Keep in mind though that I still recommend you take a little extra time to rename the file and import it manually, not only for better organization (so you won't confuse any kits if you want to delete or update something in your game, etc.) but mainly because the base colors of the kit actually matter, so it's advisable to configure them properly before applying an image. It actually took me a while to find this out, but:
- The shirt's color is also the color of those "long inner sleeves" (sorry I don't know if that's what they're called) players use during winter, and also the main color on the scoreboards. The color of the first pattern (I think) is the secondary color of the scoreboards.
- The shorts' color is also the color of that "innerwear" players use during winter
- The socks' color is also the color of the ankle tape
So, you probably don't want HSV with yellow/black scoreboards and players using yellow long sleeves during the winter, so I recommend you take the extra time to do those details manually.