The Player Form Arrows Explained! - maybe
Thanks to cjshp for posting that image.
Now who can translate it for us?
I think the left column shows the arrows in order:
Red up
Orange Diagonal up
Blue Diagonal down
Grey down
Yellow Cross Injury
Yellow recovering injury
Red recovering injury
[Just edited the above to the correct ones]
And the headings at the top of the other columns show the names for the skills. With the value indicating the difference that you get depending on which arrow you are on.
It's all very interesting - now let's find someone nice who can translate it
Edit- To make it easier for those who don't want to read through the whole thread, here is a better picture:
phelan has calculated the chances of receiving form arrows when they are set to "?" in the game settings.
They are not truly random as was previously thought.
Here's how it works:
Red arrow = 5%
Yellow arrow = 20%
Green arrow = 50%
Blue arrow = 20%
White/Grey arrow = 5%
Thanks to cjshp, engl and phelan.
Edit on 25th October 2005:
Scanned from the official PES5 guide, the page explaining the form arrows. I swear they just copied phelan's table!
(click on the image to view full size)
Direct Link:
Great work by phelan, now the world knows!
Thanks to cjshp for posting that image.
Now who can translate it for us?
I think the left column shows the arrows in order:
Red up
Orange Diagonal up
Blue Diagonal down
Grey down
Yellow Cross Injury
Yellow recovering injury
Red recovering injury
[Just edited the above to the correct ones]
And the headings at the top of the other columns show the names for the skills. With the value indicating the difference that you get depending on which arrow you are on.
It's all very interesting - now let's find someone nice who can translate it
Edit- To make it easier for those who don't want to read through the whole thread, here is a better picture:
phelan has calculated the chances of receiving form arrows when they are set to "?" in the game settings.
They are not truly random as was previously thought.
"there's about 50% chance of a green arrow, 20% chance of yellow and blue arrows, and 5% chance of getting red and grey arrows."
Here's how it works:
Red arrow = 5%
Yellow arrow = 20%
Green arrow = 50%
Blue arrow = 20%
White/Grey arrow = 5%
Thanks to cjshp, engl and phelan.
Edit on 25th October 2005:
Scanned from the official PES5 guide, the page explaining the form arrows. I swear they just copied phelan's table!
(click on the image to view full size)
Direct Link:
Great work by phelan, now the world knows!