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The Player Form Arrows Explained! Finally!


Excellent work larsson. Would it be too difficult to put the correct arrows in to replace the numbers in the left column? That would look very cool.

asher b

Registered User
here it is

its not very clear. if anyones interested ill make a new high quality one now we have all the info.


New Member
I re-draw the table, the old one wasnt very readable.



Registered User
Is it the same system in PES2? Or in my case WE 6i? Also... the stats never change, you have to adjust them in your head accordingly, right?


Registered User
i dont think that it would go past 99 since 99 is the maxium in everything u can get!

how come the green arrow wasnt mentioned :D :rolleyes:


Registered User
Yeah this is great stuff... nice to actually now how this arrow system works although I don't see myself keeping it for reference every time I play.

And I agree with Zyg, that's a nice sig Sheringham. I'd buy NFS:UG if there were a few daylight tracks... or if Solid Snake was in it! oh well, I'll make do with Pes3, Ssx3 and POP:Sands of Time this christmas.


Registered User
thx i accendetly put snake in and look what happend (hanging on tree) :rolleyes:
maybe snake is in there, but driving :eek: lol
i didnt acctually know tha status points went up, i just thought they played betta and in a better mood... but i guess i was right sorta. This did puzzle me kinda becasue i could have sworn tha shevs status wasnt tha guud! PROBLEM SOLVED! :D:D


Its common sense to know what the arrows mean, i played the whole lifespan of PES1 without pressing R1 at formation settings and wondered why Owen was magical one match and utter gutters the next but when i got pes2, i accidently pressed R1 and it made complete sense immediately

Arrows mean Form NOT Fitness, fitness is the bar to the side of the arrow

Green is normal
Orange/Yellow is good
Red is 'Diego Maradona' time
Blue is bad but could last a match
Grey/Purple is 'Prepare for Comedy' time

Simple eh!


Registered User
These arrow things have been around since ISS started bloody years ago and still I have no idea what they mean. Just ignore them cause they dont seem to make much difference not to me any way. Its more important to check out the fatigue bar thingy cause if it's not as big as it can be your players will be slower, have less stamina and be more prone to injury.


Registered User
Course tha arrows are important. Basicaly in tha other versions, for example tha one on tha snes. They had a purple, blue, yellow, orange and pink. Straight away you knew what they meant casue they was faces. pink ones were extreamly happy and used to back flip. The purple ones on tha other hand were a lil different. They used to cry :eeK: Whereas now they just put arrows so yes they doo matter!! And people dont really tell since they dont know what they doo properly! :(
anyone who doesnt know all this, should really read all tha steps from what happens!!
