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The world's ugliest kit 2010/11 by Vixon


Registered User

please transparent


Registered User
Hey Vixon,

Can you make the Russian Premier League kits please,

Amkar Perm Home:

Amkar Perm Away:

Amkar Perm Away:

Krasnodar Home:

Krasnodar Away:

Krasnodar 3th or GK (?)

Krylia Samara Sovetov Home:

Krylia Samara Sovetov Away:

Kuban Krasnodar Home:

Kuban Krasnodar Away:

Lokomotiv Moscow Home:

Lokomotiv Moscow Away:

Spartak Home: (Russian)

Spartak Moscow Home: (European)

Spartak Moscow Away: (Russian)

Spartak Moscow Away: (European)

Spartak Moscow 3th Kit: (Russian)

Spartak Moscow 3th Kit: (European)

Spartak Nalchik Home:

Spartak Nalchik Away:

Terek Grozny Home:

Terek Grozny Away:

Tom Tomsk Home:

Tom Tomsk Away: (I can get no picture of it.)

Volga Home:

Volga Away: (Bad picture. I know)

Thank you,


Registered User
Oh Sorry Vixon i was something forgot to said. Can you please make them transparent. (Russian Premier League kits)

You're the best.


Registered User
hee vixon

could you create emblems of pesleague 1 and 2 and also the cup emblems of pesleague 1 and 2. an please a fantasy emblem for a league that's called: M-league and M-cup.

thanks in advance
