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Things PES should adapt from FIFA

King of Lyon

Registered User
I am a die hard PES fan. Last fifa I ever played was FIFA 98 on nintendo 64.

Today I played FIFA 10 and I must say I was surprised, even more so than I was with the PES demo. DON'T GET ME WRONG, I still find PES a more serious football game, it gets closer to the real experience. Fifa, on the other hand, still feels (and will always feel) a tad childish for me. BUT, it seems they have taken interest in A LOT of cool aspects of the game itself, things PES have once took interest in and had since left behind.
Even with it's flaws, in FIFA you can score up, down, right, left. You can kick it hard, you can put the inner part of the foot, there are tenths of volleys and a lot of different animations for different goal scoring opportunities within the box and outside of it.
So.... some of the things I think PES should adapt (copy) from fifa are the following.

FINESSE SHOT: Very important. Specially when you're one on one with the keeper. I mean being given the choice of taking a hard shot or a soft one with the inner part of the foot.
This feature is also on FIFA's PK's. I liked it a lot. If you hold the R2 button (on PS3) you kick a soft shot to the desired direction. Essential.

FREE KICKS: It seems to me that you become less likely to score on free kicks in PES year after year. I mean, there once was the chance to take a shot at the keepers side and score, but now... WTF? You should be able to choose to kick it hard to the keeper's side, over the wall, under the wall, avoiding the wall etc. FIFA has not taken this options away (thus making it a bit unrealistic), but I'm sure KONAMI should be able to find a balance with this.

PLAYERS MOVEMENTS: Ohhhh......... well, this is what I liked the most. I mean, FIFA's players still move like FIFA's players but they have this style to them. They dribble with the outside part of the foot, they pass with style, they run with style... it just works, they look good and not like robots which has been one of the major let downs in the latest PES games. I remember the classic Maradona a couple of PES' ago moving like, well.. the football god he is. It was a pleasure playing with him. It's one of the little details that make a big difference.

SCORING: To this day, it's not easy to score on PES. BUT you really don't have many different ways of scoring. It should not be easy to score like it is on FIFA, but you should have hundreds (if not thousands) of different ways of doing so thus make it more rewarding.
It seems the only way to score is to take a shot to the keeper and have him leave the ball stranded on the box and having the other wing puting it in. Or maybe on a corner kick, or hope for the keeper's mistake (another shitty flaw). Year after year it becomes less likely to score a 'real' looking goal on the game, it's a joke.
So, it should be tough to score, but the more hard it is to score, the more options you should have to do it. The trick should be in generating those options for yourself.

This are some of the things I've noticed. I can't think of more at the moment.... so... forgive me, I'm drunk.


Registered User
I agree with some points but not on scoring. In pes there's more variety of goals. Sure fifa has more animations, but you cannot always score them because of the defence. But fifa 10 improved on this aspect.


Registered User
everything but shooting? and by shooting i mean the mechanics from past PES games, PES10's is still better than FIFAs but not as good as others as every shot seemingly stays close to the ground in the demo


Registered User
finesse shot is in the game just hold r2..the only thing i want pes copy fifa is the passing with a power bar..oh and also the player movements,in pes 2010 the movements still robotics..


Registered User
the only things i think pes should take from fifa is the animations, collision system and jockying. If pes have them three things in there then imo pes would be far better than fifa.


PES 2010 seems far too fast for me, when playing against the CPU they ping the ball about to each other at 100mph!

Judging from both demos...there's plenty I think PES should adapt, but I prefer PES' shooting compared to FIFA 10's so far (just long range shots)


Registered User
I hate to keep sounding like the resident pes slater but i feel that fifa has pes covered in every department, i honestly believe that fifa has the better shooting mechanics. For me passing needs to be improved on pes, the manual passing on pes is good but still some way off fifa. The pace has to be slowed, this years game still feels to fast. The robotic movements and the way the ball sticks to the players feet is poor.


Registered User
I just cannot agree about pes 10's pace. Fifa's pace is a BIT slower not much slower. I can't see why some would say that pes is at 100mph while fifa isn't. It's just not right.
And about shooting. The only thing better in fifa's shots are the Finesse ones but other than that, pes' shots are much better (not animations though)


in PES 2010 the game speed is much faster than setting FIFA 10 on slow...there's not even any debate really

about the passing, there is far too much ping-pong passing by the CPU in PES2010 & it's 100mph - that's what I meant by the speed thing.


Registered User
yes but it is fiddly pressing A or X is easier

Don't agree, nothing easier than moving the stick in the direction you want. Only thing, in the demo there are no control options, I normaly use the manual and R3 hope and manual crossing please lord don't let them have removed this from the actual game. The manual pass is the only reason I would buy PES over FIFA.


Registered User
It's called a Controlled Shot, look it up in the Command List (whilst pausing the game during a match for instance)

Anyway, in terms of scoring, there's a lot of different ways to do it.

One of my absolute favorites is the "Thierry Henry" way.

-Run towards the goal in line with one of the goalposts.
-Hope that the keeper comes out a bit.
-Carefully slot it in the far side of the goal with a low shot.

It aint stylish but it's really nice.


Registered User
It's called a Controlled Shot, look it up in the Command List (whilst pausing the game during a match for instance)

Anyway, in terms of scoring, there's a lot of different ways to do it.

One of my absolute favorites is the "Thierry Henry" way.

-Run towards the goal in line with one of the goalposts.
-Hope that the keeper comes out a bit.
-Carefully slot it in the far side of the goal with a low shot.

It aint stylish but it's really nice.

One thing i've found in the demo is that the keepers come out far too early/much. When ever i just about get one on one on goal, the keepers are already out. The same for when the opposing team is attacking me, i don't even tell them to they are already out by the edge of the box. Sometimes this is ok, but i find it far too easy to lob the keepers because of this...

Mullet Taylor

Registered User
waant the pace different from pes 09 demo compered to the final pes 09 ?

just download4ed the 10 minute crack thing, im away to have a few games


Registered User
the only things i think pes should take from fifa is the animations, collision system and jockying. If pes have them three things in there then imo pes would be far better than fifa.

I completely agree with this view but I would go further than just the player collisions etc. I think the way in which FIFA players shoot, pass & run with the ball is far superior to PES... I don't wish to go into the results of these processes ie... the ease of scoring or beating players as I feel there is more depth to PES's game and it is far more satisfying than FIFA. But I feel if PES was to infiltrate the animations in the areas you suggested and also the areas I have mentioned I think it would take some of the disappointed away from what we have been supplied with in the PES10 demo.......AGAIN!!!! might I add.