...I figured I'd post this here since it'd be easier than going through all the PM's I get asking about it and replying individually.
I started creating the file as soon as I picked up the game over a week ago and got quite far into it, the club kits, all transfers, some fake player fixes, apps, scans etc etc were all finished. However, on Monday night, my PS3 literally died (whilst editing Evo, suprise suprise) :| It started off as turning itself off after about 10 minutes and leaving me with a flashing red light, now it won't even turn on and I'm left with the orange/yellow light problem and with the machine being 2 years old and the warranty expired, I'm pretty much up s**t creek without a paddle
So yeah, big problem
I was anxious to get the file out as it had taken longer than I expected with what Konami has missed this year editing wise, doing everything from scratch myself etc and was planning on releasing in about 2 days (which would have been yesterday/today), after correcting most of the fake names and adding some more scans and maybe a few international kits.
So bottom line, as of right now, the file is on hold until I get hold of a new PS3 :-\ This could take anything from to 6-8 weeks, with christmas being round the corner and my current money situation (what I'd give to have uni and a student loan atm like this time last year)
In closing, I'll still be knocking around the forums (here and PESFan) and the file is 100% still coming, it just looks like it's gonna take some time. Thanks for reading.
I started creating the file as soon as I picked up the game over a week ago and got quite far into it, the club kits, all transfers, some fake player fixes, apps, scans etc etc were all finished. However, on Monday night, my PS3 literally died (whilst editing Evo, suprise suprise) :| It started off as turning itself off after about 10 minutes and leaving me with a flashing red light, now it won't even turn on and I'm left with the orange/yellow light problem and with the machine being 2 years old and the warranty expired, I'm pretty much up s**t creek without a paddle
So yeah, big problem
So bottom line, as of right now, the file is on hold until I get hold of a new PS3 :-\ This could take anything from to 6-8 weeks, with christmas being round the corner and my current money situation (what I'd give to have uni and a student loan atm like this time last year)
In closing, I'll still be knocking around the forums (here and PESFan) and the file is 100% still coming, it just looks like it's gonna take some time. Thanks for reading.