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To those of you waiting for the Von Option File 2010...

The Muff

Registered User
...I figured I'd post this here since it'd be easier than going through all the PM's I get asking about it and replying individually.

I started creating the file as soon as I picked up the game over a week ago and got quite far into it, the club kits, all transfers, some fake player fixes, apps, scans etc etc were all finished. However, on Monday night, my PS3 literally died (whilst editing Evo, suprise suprise) :| It started off as turning itself off after about 10 minutes and leaving me with a flashing red light, now it won't even turn on and I'm left with the orange/yellow light problem and with the machine being 2 years old and the warranty expired, I'm pretty much up s**t creek without a paddle

So yeah, big problem :( I was anxious to get the file out as it had taken longer than I expected with what Konami has missed this year editing wise, doing everything from scratch myself etc and was planning on releasing in about 2 days (which would have been yesterday/today), after correcting most of the fake names and adding some more scans and maybe a few international kits.

So bottom line, as of right now, the file is on hold until I get hold of a new PS3 :-\ This could take anything from to 6-8 weeks, with christmas being round the corner and my current money situation (what I'd give to have uni and a student loan atm like this time last year)

In closing, I'll still be knocking around the forums (here and PESFan) and the file is 100% still coming, it just looks like it's gonna take some time. Thanks for reading.


Registered User
very unfortunate muff im sorry to hear that i know alot of people look forward to your option file. hope you get another ps3 soon


New Member
I started creating the file as soon as I picked up the game over a week ago and got quite far into it, the club kits, all transfers, some fake player fixes, apps, scans etc etc were all finished. However, on Monday night, my PS3 literally died (whilst editing Evo, suprise suprise) :| It started off as turning itself off after about 10 minutes and leaving me with a flashing red light, now it won't even turn on and I'm left with the orange/yellow light problem and with the machine being 2 years old and the warranty expired, I'm pretty much up s**t creek without a paddle

Hi Muff,
Just to let ya know my ps3 died on Saturday from YLOD... I had no way of getting my save files back with MasterLeague etc. cause sony would just give me a refurb... but here is what I did... which is a fix but maybe only a temp fix, it let me get all my save files and its still working 5days later... maybe you should try it... as we all want your option file asap! Cheers

Ok so saturday my PS3 gets the yellow light of death... did everything to try get it working but Its 6 months out of warranty and beside from not wanting to spend 160euro to get a refurb I dont want to lose all my save files... oblivion/fallout3/uncharted2 etc...

I did a bit of searching on the net and a couple of guides there involving a heat gun and a complicated opening of PS3... which isnt exactly something I wanted to do either as heat guns cost money and the fact it might not work!

I did more searching and came across a guy and read what he said... and this is what I did...

*Warning* Obviously dont do this if your PS3 is still in warranty as it will void it... This is for people with no hope of getting it back working without spending €100 on a possible fix or €160 on a refurb from sony...

I used my original PS3 box, (The box is used to create a type of heat trap), and placed my PS3 in it with the back of the PS3 facing up towards me... (I removed my hard drive first)

I then used a hair dryer (240v) and began to blow it on high power at the back of the playstation where the heat sinks are... I just blew it back and forth to each vent...

I did this for about 10-12 minutes...

*WARNING* The playstation gets extremely hot... and I recommend you be very careful... my vents at the back of the PS3 became a lil warped possibly because I was holding the hairdryer a lil close...

Anyway as I was blowing on the vents I reguarly checked the heat of the PS3 all over... it got Hotter and Hotter...

When I stopped I took the PS3 out of the box with a towel as it was still hot...

I placed it by the window for 20-25 minutes and then used a small fan on it for 5 more minutes... then when I felt it was cool enough to use I put the hard drive back in...

I crossed my fingers and plugged it on and hey presto... it worked!

My PS3 which had died from the YLOD is now working...

I got all of my save files off it and other stuff I wanted...

As far as I know this may only be a temporary fix... but all the same, it means I got my save files back which is 18months of hard work!

This may not work for everyone but It worked for me and it was still working 2 hours after I fixed it...

Just be careful at the distance you put the hair dryer... maybe keep it 3-4inches away... keep moving it back and forth between vents every 30 seconds or so... if you notice any burning smells or the plastic is starting to melt reduce the power on the hairdryer...

I hope this helps other people as I know the YLOD is a pain and Sony arent helpful about it!


*I dont take any responibilty if something goes wrong... this is just how I fixed it...


Registered User
2YEARS AND BREAKS DOWN...m8 mine was lerss than a year , and its a 60 mod

ive had it replace im on me third machine ! , same problem turns itself off.

also. i made a thread , about transferring edit data to a USB stick which i did last night . so incase it goes again , ill have backup. the hairdryer trick .hmmnn
il note that one.


Registered User
even dough i can't use your file this year (thanks to konami) i hope the best for your PS3, maybe you can repair it or safe all the hard work you`ve put in it.

keep ya head up, muff


Registered User
Bad luck Muff. My ps3 died a couple of months ago, had to fork out £140 on a replacement.


Registered User
Good post Fly13. However, one very important thing that you didn't mention: When the board is hot you should not move it under any circumstances, this can very easily damage the board beyond repair! You need to leave it where it is for 20 -30 minutes til it cools down. Also you really need a heat gun to do a good fix on it, but maybe the hairdryer could work for some. I got a heat gun for €23, they're not hugely expensive. My PS3 died the yellow light of death a month or so ago, and I fixed it using this guide:
This is another good guide, and it was helpful for putting it all back together, as there is a lot of taking it apart:

I can't take ant responsibility for what people do if they open their PS3's!
If it's out of warranty and the fix doesn't work Sony will replace it for €160 if all else fails, personally I'd rather try fix it myself for a whole lot cheaper


Registered User
I'm with you boss.. hope that you do get a new PS3 soon.. btw what region is the PES2010 that you got. I wanna get the right region to use your files. Thanks for all the hard work with 2009...


Registered User
I had the dreaded YLOD. I managed to fix it by following the guide by gilksy on youtube. I bought silver thermal compound from Maplin for about £8 and a heat gun from Wilkinsons for £20. Since it was out of warranty anyway I had no qualms of taking it apart. It worked and I think it's running even quieter now! It's an easy to follow guide, so I'd recommend it instead of forking out £128 for a refurbished replacement. Oh and the best thing is, I managed to get a refund of £20 for the heat gun I bought from Wilkinsons due to their 28 day return policy! Happy days!


Registered User
Bad luck it was my mate which recommend your option file since you did a top notch job in 09 since you covered everything a football fan wanted

Amon Tobin

Registered User
Typical that this should happen to what was last year, easily the best option file!

Hope you manage to get it sorted Muff, yours was the one I was looking out for again this year.

I was wondering though, since it's been delayed I'm guessing until after New Year now, will you be doing a lot more than usual to the file in order to bring it up to speed with all the other files that will already have been out for a while by then and probably about 5/6 versions in?

To be honest I'm waiting for a decent option file to come along before I start the Master League hopefully with all kits, names, national teams sorted, hidden/classic players unlocked and added, Other Team A teams corrected and created, maybe Bundesliga fully created in Other Teams B, and as last year with your file, perhaps a few players like Lulinha and Douglas Costa created too. Was hoping you could give some sort of indication as to what exactly you're going to be including when you release the first version of yours anyway really, as I'm guessing most of the other option files will be there or there abouts come January.

Cheers, Amon.


Registered User
hopefully you are able to get a new ps3 soon Muff. Yours OF will be No.1 out there again I'm sure.
