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Top 10 things you want in PES11


Registered User
1. Referees, Please refs in this game are awful.
2. Animations
3. Goalkeepers
4. ML - Trade players
5. The team shud give you allow you to talk to its players, in PES 2010 you can just contact any player @ anytime (Not realistic)
6. Teams qualify for Champs league even @ 5th spot, this shud be correctd.
7. More penalties shud be given
8. It shudnt take 2 wiks for a player or team to respond to your transfer request.
9. Refs :realmad:
10. :realmad:


Registered User
1. Better/more realistic commentary
2. Konami should show managers of the teams talking and shouting to their team in the touchline
3. More penalties


Registered User
Bundesliga teams,real dribbling 360,penalty,manual passes (x),goalkeepers,more teams (Champions League and Europa League)


Registered User
im hearing some awesome points and i agree with you all 110% but lets face it will konami listen to the fans?... ERRRM NO!

everyone at konami and this seabass (tard) geezer know where they are going wrong and know what they are doing and why, they are a total retard all they ave to do is log in here read fans feedback such as the great points ive just read and give the fans what they want, how hard is that to understand?

instead of listing my faults and repeating all your great points i'll summarize my fault as simply to one big problem in a nutshell... my opinion is that the reason "pes" just isn't working at the minute is because "pes" is just a winning eleven with minor language and cosmetic differences, but wait a sec before you all say YEAH WE KNOW lol winning eleven is aimed at Japanese or Chinese fans whereas pes is aimed British/western Europe fans and i think that's where its getting lost in translation we hate pes because we don't like the winning eleven style and foreign feel about it,

i mean if i cant sit through and watch a game of japanese football i dam sure well not going to be able to sit down and play it with a smile on my face. lazy programming

if konami are not careful i fear next year may be the last as it just ain't going to be making the type of profit they will be wanting and if pes dies fifa will just get lazy too with no competition out there


New Member
Things that nead improving on pes11

The game feels more robotic than it used to its not smooth like fifa if you know what i mean the game defenetly needs more skills and they need to be easier to do and only with certain skilled players like kaka should be able to do all the skills because he can. More celebrations are needed for sure. Freekicks are class dont change them.On become a legend you need to let people make clubs like on fifa because there one is miles better at the moment and bring back the old dummie shot i loved that skill its shit now i do like pro 10 though dont get me wrong


Registered User
A decent Ref
Good commentary
and what the fuck happened to the trophy presentations.i want em back
ML-Trade players

The Eristic

Registered User
To expand on what has been mentioned about tackling, it can be pretty goofy. A player dribbling at full speed is not going to be cleanly dispossessed by a defender just standing still in front of them. The AI needs to be required to put in actual tackles, which should result in collisions that affect BOTH players (not just the human-controlled one), loose balls, et cetera.

Same kind of problem when shooting, as well. No defender in the world has the ability to literally walk away with the ball in the time period between the attacker's leg swinging back and the foot striking the ball.

Along a related line, "body balance" still isn't implemented correctly. In '08 it was overvalued, and someone with high BB couldn't be put off the ball at all. Now, though, using my BAL player as an example, a 6'7", 225lb DMF with BB in the high 90s can be knocked off the ball, dragged back, etc, completely at random by the likes of Mathieu Valbuena, a 5'5" AMF. It's one thing to be charged off by a big defender, but at any given moment, any AI player can run next to you (or sublimate through you from behind), slow you down to a snail's pace, and take the ball away and get away from you, once again without actually making a tackle. Konami really needs to work out what stats, height, and weight mean and how they interact in terms of physics, and how to accurately implement them in the game mechanic.


Registered User
My problem with some of the requests is that they're not specific enough for anyone to act on them...or they're asking for things that are already implemented, perhaps in a different way than they're asking.

Maybe Konami could add in what they're asking, but is the request really a "game-changer?" Or would development and testing time be best spent making a real difference to the gameplay, or online code?

Just quoting a few.

* More Special Animations
sole-of-the-foot dribbles,

Already in PES10. Players stop with sole, bad dribblers/massive deceleration occurs with sole, Torres did a lil sidestep sol dribble on mine the other day

* A New Concept for Midfield Play

Sounds like a good idea, I think I do this anyway when I play, please be much more specific

* New Player Attributes

One of the most annoying flaws remains, players with good physical attributes are unrealistically good at defending and winning the ball back. At times I prefer to chase back with Messi, because apparently he is a better defender than Carles Puyol.

If realistic midfield battles are a possibility; it's certainly impossible if players like Messi, CR9, Kaka, etc. keep winning balls so easily. It all indicates that new stats or player attributes -are- needed.

I never really play with/against any of these players save Messi @ Barca, but he certainly is a tenacious booger in real life, so think its fair if his feet just wanna keep dribbling. CR9 and Kaka though, I think not.

The other standout-flaw that still remains is in the off-the-ball movement and approach of each individual; there are different types of Awareness.

We have players with great tactical qualities, and yet different approaches. This is particularly noticeable on the midfield... We have players like Edgar Davids or Claude Makelele, great defensive midfielders with very different approaches to the game.

Cards already incorporate almost everything you asked for e.g. tracking back, tackling ability (and likelihood)

Attack and defense stats incorporate how likely a player is to be up or down a pitch. Can you provide a specific example of a player who can not be described by the current system?

* New Alternatives for off-the-ball runs

I'm not sure if I'm missing out on something, but to this day we still have to pass the ball -so- that we can tap the R2 button and set-up an attacking run. It's old and one-dimensional, as well as very obvious and easy to spot.

It would be refreshing if Konami can come up with new ways of setting-up attacking and defensive runs.

Ok, again you're right, but there is a line between what you as the person controlling wants to do, and what the player (that you're controlling) in real life would do. From my understanding the current system rewards those players who would in real life make awesome runs.

As you dribble with your player in PES, the body shape of the dribble dictates to a decent team-member the run that is expected, just as in real life

* New Approach

PES5, PES6, FIFA09, PES09, FIFA10, PES10 -are- meant to be played for 10 minutes or in other words 5 mins per half. We do have the option of playing 20 minute matches, but when we do; the game does not stand the test of time.

It simply isn't good enough nor realistic enough for 10 or 15 minutes per half. Konami should find a way of making the game fun/realistic/good enough to be played for 20 or 30 minutes; quality over quantity.

What exactly do you mean? I regularly play 20 min each half games, and enjoy them immensely. Please, not knocking you, but for me this is a football simulation, I love football, therefore I don't get bored after 20-30 min.

Decent goalkeepers, decent goalkeepers, decent goalkeepers, decent goalkeepers, decent goalkeepers, decent goalkeepers, decent goalkeepers, decent goalkeepers, decent goalkeepers and decent goalkeepers.

I feel strongly about the goalkeepers being at least vaguely competent.

And I think they are. Have you tried goalkeeping in real life? It's VERY hard. What exactly would you like to see improved?

I like FIFA's "first touch feature" using the right analog stick. It's also used when dribbling to knock the ball a little further ahead - works and looks nice when you skip past an opponent using it. New animation and physics engine. New animations - players look dreadful when running. I would love to see the Euphoria engine in PES11! I still think the gameplay speed is a touch fast - it still feels too much like ping pong at times.

Euphoria engine would look awesome. Might take longer than a yr to implement though.

With PES you already have like 5 different dribbling speeds per player. Perhaps learn how to use these as opposed to asking for a new mode?

First touch in PES - there's basically 3 options, and could def be improved, but I think itt covers most situations. There's trap without turning, there's begin dribble at moderate speed, and there's push the ball further and attempt to chase it. As in real life, if you're slower/weaker than the defender, only the first 2 are useful unless you play it in the perfect direction.

In no particular order.

- Manual passing on the x button

What do you MEAN by this? You mean you don't like the R3 button? It's not THAT difficult...? What about the 50% of ppl who like how it is? Do you want the added option? Specifics...

- Better 360 control

Again, specifics! I love the 360 as it is. What do you want to see different? If *you* can't describe it, how is Konami gonna read your mind and please you with the next release?

- Smoother and more fluid animations

TBH if I'm tryna score a goal I don't stop and think about how smoothly Torres is running, but a valid request.

- More stadiums to suit smaller teams
And again - don't think it changes the gameplay, but yep, valid
- Slightly slower pace
- improved physics system for tackling and tussles
Specifics? I like how it is. What would you change?
- More realistic goal nets
- More advanced manual shooting and crossing
Specifics again? Although I do prefer the 09 crossing, haven't perfected 10 yet, but my quick analysis is that better passing stats means better manual crosses. Body angle/shape affects it a LOT as well, which I like as its realistic.
- Stadium Editor
- Improved cpu AI

What kind of AI improvements?

- Improved player animations
- Manual passing
- Improved keepers
Touched on this already - specifics!
- stadium editor
- Improved crowd noises and chants
and something that no football game has yet to get right:
- HUGE CHEER WHEN YOU SCORE AN IMPORTANT GOAL! and louder cheers in general.

If it makes you happy, as valid as any other. Twould actually be nice if:
-you got to save in replays the skill level and situation that a goal was scored (e.g. "Top Player, quarter final replay, went on to 4-2 victory/was the winner")
-And at the end of the match, if you accidently exit to the home screen, all the data for the match disappears - surely this could be saved too!
-You can replay something up until the point that the succeeding throw/goal kick begins. Then the replay magically disappears from the computers memory. Wtf? Surely just implement "replay the last 1 minute" as standard, so if you don't hit start on time, you can still see the replay! Even better, the system of FIFA 09 (PC) where you could replay the WHOLE giddarned MATCH!!

Echoed mate!

- The above mentioned
- More body tackles (and a clear and visual difference regarding small and strong players regarding this)
Good point. Current animations/engine shows that strong players (Drogba, Ibrahimovic) rarely properly stumble whereas weak players (Benayoun) get shoved off all the time. Some room for improvement

- That the speed stats has actually something to say (Controlling a player with 87/85 speed/acceleration, in pes 2010 the defender with 71 in speed chases you down easily)

Fair point, can't say I've noticed but I haven't been looking/hasn't annoyed me yet. Then again you're almost always slower when doing anything but the fastest dribble.

- More fluent animations and more touches on the ball when sprinting and changing direction
- Bundesliga teams
- New animation of "controlled shooting" (shooting using the R2 button looks ridiculous)
Some very dodgy animations of shooting, especially if attempting certain awkward shots. If you attempt a more normal shot then R2 it, looks decent. Basically if you press R2 late, the player has to do some weird adjustments to carry out your instructions, hence looks ridiculous. Press R2 earlier, not only will you get a better shot, but you won't see the ridiculous animation. The 2 or 3 that still remain...well hopefully Konami will iron them out
Improved keepers (don't head it away, when they can easily pick it up)

So true, then again haven't had a decent keeper who does this...if you bring your keeper out too far they will perform this erroneous nonsense. Use keeper cursor/improve your skill at using through ball button to have keeper run out


Sooooo important. The amount of times I've wanted to just slide to block a pass but the CPU forces my player to do that silly "standing and stick out a knee" animation. Then again its taught me to stay on my feet which is how I play in real life.
Perhaps we need an option for assisted defending on or off

- Penalty kicks when tackled inside the box without them touching the ball

lol posted somewhere on this, perhaps add ref strictness as an option for matches/ML?
-The strikers may not stop running all of a sudden when a ball is passed perfectly towards them.

User super cancel and make the player do what you want.

- Manual control of all passing, long and short from anywhere on the pitch no matter using x or O.

Touched on before

Agree with the better nets.

Pes1,2,3,4,5,6 Had brilliant nets, on the ps2 they were superb, different colours aswell and brilliant shape. We need different nets/goals in each stadium. The nets on pes 08 09 10 are a joke why did they create them they look like the nets you catch fish in. I have noticed the nets are a different colour in ML games but it still makes goals feel unrealistic when a powerful shot hits the foof of th enet and the net expands.

Dunno about most out there, but I mean, REALLY? Would you stop playing a footy game because once you score the net expands??!?

Also Goalkeepers, Need to be scrapped and re worked, Pes 1 and 2 had great keeper animations.

I'm sorry, but what has irked me the most about PES10 is that you can't actually TACKLE!!! I press X or even Square and they don't do JACK s*%t! They just run next to the opposition player! And when the opposition players then slows down your player slows down with him, WHY?? You just can't tackle!

- Improve tackling and body contact, it's S*&T compared to FIFA10

Don't play FIFA so can't fully comment, but in PES X does 2 tracks a player closely if held, and if the defender is near a dribbler, it attempts a tackle. Like in real life, the dribbler has to show you the ball (i.e not be shielding it), time it right, and you win it 90% of the time. Like in real life. I'm a defender by trade so maybe it comes instinctively..but that's how you do. Plus in real matches, there's probably only a fair ball winning challenge for every 5-10 passes, so it's unrealistic to expect to tackle every time the opponent touches the ball.

- Stop players continuing to run for 2 seconds after they have been dispossessed!
Definitely needs to be improved
- Please improve the referee in all aspects! I mean he doesn't even put his hand to his mouth when he blows the whistle.
True, but hand/mouth thing has little to do with skill as a ref in my mind. Now if you'd been specific, and talked about the advantage rule, and offsides, etc....

I do like how the ref doesn't bully players or block the ball like in old PES though!
- Improve goalkeepers! If they come out then make then go for the ball! Not come out and then run back for no reason!
- Off the ball movement is poor! I sometimes see players just standing there, even though the play is right next to them! I'm sure it's a bug so get it out!
Already covered those 2
- Why can't you take defenders out of a wall? If they have a free kick near the halfway line, I don't want 2-3 of my defenders in a wall, it's not needed!

MASSIVE deficiency in PES. What sensible defending team has a 3 man wall 40 yards from goal? GRRRRRRR!

- Finally, When players are on the ball it's too slow! When they turn they do it slowly and then an opposition player can come and nick the ball off, yet m,y player just stands there after being dispossessed! NOT GOOD!
Use a player with better dribbling
They are just 2% of the things that need to be improved

The new penalty shooting in games is awful. I don't like it one bit. Give us the old front view back and a power bar instead. So what if it resembles FIFA.
The PES09 penalties were laughable, at least in 10 you get an easily understandable explanation that works. And not every player can hit a perfect penalty, top class strikers still miss as do Penalty kings like Gerrard and Lampard.
I would also like for every team specific passing styles. With the option to chose the passing type. Just as in Manager games. Like short passing (for dominant possessing teams as Barcelona, Arsenal etc. players spread wider ), long passing (for less technique based teams and lower tear teams, like bottom of PL) and direct passing (for teams with pacey players that are great on counter attack, and more compact teams, like Getafe etc.) and teams that have mixed styles. It will give more realism and authenticity. For example if you play against Stoke City (no offense!) in Pes 10 they will sometimes pass the ball and hold possession as if they where Portugal or Arsenal.

Team style settings - play with them

And yes the AI also seems like they are content with possessing the ball instead of actually creating goal chances.

True, but that's good play in real life

And bring back delayed yellow cards. Sometimes you can really foul a player who has just passed the ball and nothing happens afterwards. Give us the possibility to remove the walls again on free-kicks like in PES09. I hate to see a free kick on the middle of the pitch or close to the corner flag and there is a two or three man wall. I have never seen that in real life.

Both great points, pet hates of mine. They've got it half right in PES10. A late challenge won't usually stop play. But then the late challenge has no consequence! GRRRRR. Funnily enough in the PES10 demo, they went the other way, which was a touch better: a late challenge was immediately penalised which at least meant the defending team couldn't break up the attack with vicious hacks.

My OTHER main gripe with PES10 is the cancel

A GREAT introduction is holding X to cancel a pass as your player shapes up for it. This has really helped me keep possession when I do that "mind body disconnect" thing and place a pass before thinking about who it's going to.

My problem with it is first time passes.

Occasionally I'll press for a first time pass but the defender will close up the space. If I'm lucky I can use supercancel to move my player and he will "forget" about the 1st time pass, but more often than not, its pot luck.

REALLY annoying if, for example you press pass a cpl times to make a challenge, the ball falls to your CF in acres of space, who then proceeds to play the ball into touch.

OR you make an awesome challenge at the back, stay on your feet, but then boot it out because you pressed shoot or pass at some moment of desperation.

SURELY here it would make so much sense just to allow super cancel or R2 or L3 or SOMETHING to just 'cancel' whatever you were doing, and start over.

THAT, plus the advantage rule (above), and players in the wall (above) and I'll be a grinning 10 y.o. again playing ISS or FIFA 96

Hmmm, perhaps add in cancel for goal keeper's throws/kicks, and freekicks - when you realise your opponent has moved his player in front of who you wanna pass to.

Lastly - offsides. (ties in with the point on referees above)
Either make them respect FIFA's rules to the letter, or allow us to choose between/have different leniences of refs who will allow more benefit of doubt to attackers, etc.


Registered User
- Improved player animations
- Manual passing
- Improved keepers
- stadium editor
- Improved crowd noises and chants
and something that no football game has yet to get right:
- HUGE CHEER WHEN YOU SCORE AN IMPORTANT GOAL! and louder cheers in general.

I tottaly agree about the last iten, and I include the " Stadium little shake" when you have the important goal"...


Registered User
The commentary needs improving, they need more phrases, more depth to it, more dialogue. They should talk about players more such as 'Ronaldo has a reputation of going down very easily, maybe he didn't get that free kick on past repuation'. 'Rooney plays with his heart of his sleeve' 'Ryan Giggs is the model professional' Talk about the game aswell 'Do players dive more these days' Talk about the pitch and the weather. Obviously let Jon Champion phrase it say it the way he would.

Handballs should be brought back aswell, there part of football, to make it more like real life/simulation.

Like a few other people have said the delayed yellow cards, for poorly timed tackles needs to be brought back!

Would be cool to see the subs warming up at the sides of the pitch.

Also when you dive you shouldn't get booked unless its in the penalty box, like in real life. The ref should just wave play on. Plus when a player dives in real life the game plays on, it doesn't stop until the ball goes out.

More animations such as every now and then when a player commits a foul have the opposition players confront the referee to get him booked/complain.


Registered User
Love the commentary ideas

And the thing about mentioned it on another forum. Haven't seen a human player use a dive in ages, but you're soooo right. Especially if there are no opponents near him, the whole stadium should ignore the diver, apart from his own fans...who should be derisory.

Not sure about handballs. Basically not a fan of anything in the game that you as a human haven't got control over. My vote would be for the engine to automatically move a player's hands out of the way rather than have random interruptions for handballs.

Plus in real-life the officials only see/give 30-50% of offences where the ball has been handled.


Registered User
Love the commentary ideas

And the thing about mentioned it on another forum. Haven't seen a human player use a dive in ages, but you're soooo right. Especially if there are no opponents near him, the whole stadium should ignore the diver, apart from his own fans...who should be derisory.

Not sure about handballs. Basically not a fan of anything in the game that you as a human haven't got control over. My vote would be for the engine to automatically move a player's hands out of the way rather than have random interruptions for handballs.

Plus in real-life the officials only see/give 30-50% of offences where the ball has been handled.

Thanks my man. The handballs would be very rare in a game. Have them so there not spotted very often and are ball to hand decisions a lot. Have the odd one given.

Other suggestions:

Goalkeepers having a confidence meter bar, so if there confidence is high have them coming for crosses confidently and catching, punching it well clear. holding onto shots. If there confidence is low have them coming for crosses getting no where near it, puching poorly, missing punches, dropping crosses, spilling shots. Then have keepers more confident than others, and losing there confidence more easily than other goalies. Have keepers better than others at catching crosses, punching the ball, holding onto shots. Have more stats for this.

Have more scenarios in the game. Make it feel more real life to football.

Such as every now and then in a match a player goes down injured when the balls still in play and the referee stops play for the injured player and that then results in a drop ball and the team that had possesion of the ball gets it kicked back to them.

When theres a tight offside decision show the offside player shouting, shaking his head, wagging his finger etc at the linesman.

Have lots of different, trademark recations to getting booked, being offside.

Have real life referees and fake referees, that can also be edited.


Registered User
Have more scenarios in the game. Make it feel more real life to football.

Such as every now and then in a match a player goes down injured when the balls still in play and the referee stops play for the injured player and that then results in a drop ball and the team that had possesion of the ball gets it kicked back to them.

When theres a tight offside decision show the offside player shouting, shaking his head, wagging his finger etc at the linesman.

Have lots of different, trademark recations to getting booked, being offside.

Have real life referees and fake referees, that can also be edited.

Lol at the first bit - like Eduardo and Gallas yesterday. Must've been a sniper in the stadium!

Nice ideas on realism...loving the "ref personalities" ideas.

...and on-point again with the goalkeepers. Current engine has one stat that governs EVERYTHING - timing on coming for crosses/shots/closing down in 1-on-1s, how likely it is that they spill the ok, but not enough granulinity as you say. More stats!


Registered User
They Definitely need to take a new approach.
Starting with animations, then AI, responsiveness
and button configuration.
The graphics are a great start, and it's nice to hear they are listening to our feed back, but the game needs to have some major revamping to truly take Pes back to the top of football simulation


Registered User
New animations
More animations
Less rigidness
Storage space related to HDD
More teams from around the world
Online mode this year would be nice
Fix goalkeepers
Improved gameplay
Random match selection
Cleaner look from wide-cam


Registered User
They Definitely need to take a new approach.
Starting with animations, then AI, responsiveness
and button configuration.
The graphics are a great start, and it's nice to hear they are listening to our feed back, but the game needs to have some major revamping to truly take Pes back to the top of football simulation

Sorry to keep banging a drum guys.

But as I said before if even the suggester can't put into words exactly what he or she wants to see in future PES, how much more difficult will it be for Konami to play "mind reader" to improve the game?


What exactly is it about the animations that you want to see changed/improved?

What exactly is it about the AI...

Responsiveness... get the drill.

C'mon guys


Registered User
New animations
More animations
Less rigidness
Storage space related to HDD
More teams from around the world
Online mode this year would be nice
Fix goalkeepers
Improved gameplay
Random match selection
Cleaner look from wide-cam

Agree with most of these especially the storage space!

Again please expand on "fix goalkeepers" "improved gameplay" "cleaner look"...

...random match selection - you mean different from holding down shoot on team selection to pick a random team?


Registered User
there are a few gameplay issues i have which i guess have been mentioned already but there are also a couple of cosmetic touches i'd like to see.

kit choices, the keeper having one kit is fine, i don't mind but the removed kit could have been given to the outfield players, a third strip or even making it easier to change the socks or shorts to prevent clashing. maybe having a home and away strip with two possible shorts and pairs of socks each.

goalkeepers gloves could maybe be editable, along the lines of the boots, different brands and styles.

facial hair, how can you make a propper beard when the darkest one, number 4, looks little more than bum fluff.

editing could be made a little easier too, if you edit a players name why cant it change his shirt name too.

the fake teams in ML could also be editable, choosing a nation of origin so they have random names like smith, wilson or thompson, not jedsbhdbjhdvchb or whatever they are.

referee's kits should be editable too, an english league match shouldn't be officiated by a man in a bright yellow shirt/shorts/socks outfit.

EDIT: totally agree with an earlier post about commentary/ crowd noise. if i score a late winner between arsenal, tottenham or manchester united, city i'd like this to be echoed in the audio. my telly should rattle with the crowd going mental and some phrases in the commentary should convey the importance of the goal. possibly give the teams a RIVAL team in their options too so if you create sheff wed and sheff utd you can set them as local rivals.


Registered User
Ah....all great points!

Was trying to create "myself" the other day and the bum fluff was just no comparison for my fine, thick, lush man beard.

And playing as Liverpool, love Reina's bright yellow home keeper kit, but it clashes with the ref's kit ALL the time. Not too much of a problem, but as you say would be AWESOME to be able to pick the goalkeeper and ref colours (along with socks/shorts choices etc) at the kit select menu.

It's better this yr, but for example, last year, Barca v Liverpool was nigh on impossible with default kits, solely because Barca's dark maroon and navy kit was fine against Liverpool's fiesty red...but the dark blue/black ref kit just meant the barca player assumed he had 2 defenders back, and not one. Great for me (and hilarious) but ultimately frustrating.

All the other points were great too.
