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Transfers don't show up in league mode!!


Registered User
I tried to make a few of the winter transfers before the update and none of them showed up in the 5 leagues I've got going on!! Thought I'd wait for the march 15 update but still nothing!!?? Why I really cant be bothered to make a brand new league everytime a transfer happens! Whats the point!?

Is there some way to fix this or is this gonna render PES 11 unplayable for me? What's the point of having a league mode that can go unlimited seasons in and tranfers dont even affect it! Oh but i change Messi's hair!!? WTF?

God PES finally gets decent gameplay but all the options and features are totally BOTCHED!! why can't they just make a good game that makes sense! Europa leaugue mode! Domestic cups Only not forced champions league! is it so hard!?


Registered User
PES's player data is included in game saves, so it will load rosters based on each individual save. As far as I am aware this has always been the case.

Unfortunately, this means starting afresh if you want the new DLC changes included.


Registered User
It hasn't always been the case, from what I've seen it only started since PES 2010.
And if that was true how does kits, boots, and hairstyle change but transfers don't!?


Registered User
Certainly used to be the case PES 6 & prior...

Can't explain the hair etc. can only assume the name's are saved separately. Either way sir, it sounds like you are on restart territory.


Registered User
Nah i played PES 6 enough times to know transfers I made in edit showed up in league mode trust me. At least the PS2 version anyway...I'm pretty sure it was in 09 and 08 too not sure about 10 cos the gameplay sucked so bad i just didn't bother but I read somewhere that this issue started in 10.

Either way this sucks big time, I restart now by the time i finish the leagues Summer transfers will be here, fucking stupid.

Like you said even you don't know why other edits show up there's no excuse for transfers not to show since edits such as hairstyles can show, so Konami have botched up big time.


Registered User
This is why I have waited until now to start any leagues, Master League or even Be a Legend.. as soon as Daymos release the Bundesliga option file I'm ready to go! :D

But as you mention, same problem will occur when it's time for summer transfers.. Konami should make it an option to alter team rosters within saved games!


Registered User
Ya the transfers stopped going through from PES 10 on. Konami also got rid of the option of turning off one of the controllers during a game, so now I cant pick 2 teams and play as one of them for each half.


Registered User
Ya the transfers stopped going through from PES 10 on. Konami also got rid of the option of turning off one of the controllers during a game, so now I cant pick 2 teams and play as one of them for each half.
Yup I just pray they fix this for 2012 which I doubt they will. If they don't might as well move on to FIFA i'm sure they haven't made this dumb mistake.


Speaking of selecting controllers, I hate the way Konami doesn't allow P2 to control menus. Many times I have to switch controllers because the battery is low and I have to reboot the entire console to fix the second controller in the P1 spot.
