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UDP Port 5730 Thingie...


Registered User
Other people having problems with connecting to the network mode and this issue ?

I played online Thursday and Friday night...But today when I wanted to log in it just happened :/

Anyone got the same problem ? And perhaps a walktrough guide to use ?

(I have a Alcatel Thomson Speedtouch 585i Modem/Router)

Please help!


Registered User
Aye...I can find my router there and such, but it doesn't say anything regarding ps3 or PES 2008 ... Or is it like standard info to say how to open the ports ?


Super Moderator
I tried using that site last night and again today, it didn't solve the issue. I'm considering just phoning up BT and pleading with them to open the port :\


Registered User
I tried using that site last night and again today, it didn't solve the issue. I'm considering just phoning up BT and pleading with them to open the port :\

u wont get anywhere doing tht im with bt, what you need to do is go on this site bthomehub.home (no www.'s just type tht in)

if asked for a password and userrname use admin and admin unlcoks both.
then go configuration,applications sharing, click here in little blue writing, type the game in so pro evo then underneath

fill all the boxes in with 5730 then press add

then fill them in again with 3658, then go back to configuration, select pro evo form the drop down bar and select what device so your ps3 (may show as unknown) and apply, then go on pro evo and ill give you a game.

this website will show you a walk through of what u said (just scroll down to port forwarding).


Registered User
Same here but help on hand!

Hi mate i had same problem and expected the worse as i have never had any joy forwarding ports till now. But i have a BT homehub so slightly different.

1. Go to - find your router

2.Follow all instructions for setting up Playstation network as a port BUT swap all PS network port numbers and names for PES 2008 (5730)

3. One more thing you may need depending on your router to tell it where to make the ports available e.g playstation not your PC.....but portforwarding told me how to do that.

Good luck


Registered User
Other people having problems with connecting to the network mode and this issue ?

I played online Thursday and Friday night...But today when I wanted to log in it just happened :/

Anyone got the same problem ? And perhaps a walktrough guide to use ?

(I have a Alcatel Thomson Speedtouch 585i Modem/Router)

Please help!

Have you enabled UPNP?

Speedtouch Routers have an option to turn this feature on which will basically setup online gaming for you without the need to configure or open up ports.


Registered User
Aye...I can find my router there and such, but it doesn't say anything regarding ps3 or PES 2008 ... Or is it like standard info to say how to open the ports ?

it's standard info... the ps3 connects to the router much in the same way any device would (pc, psp, etc)... once u enable the ports, they will always be open for the specific program once it accesses the router

i've enabled ports for SOCOM on my router and it's only accessed through the ps2/ps3...
