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Unable to access online after v1.01 patch for PS3, invalid online pass code


Registered User
Anyone have the same problem? Is this a issues for all PS3 user?

After the update of v1.01, the game requires a online pass to access the online portion of the game. When i try to register the code that was enclosed in the game, it gives a message of "The code you entered may not be correct or may no longer be valid". I have checked over ten times that the code printed was the code i entered.

Even if i try to buy another online pass, it said that there is nothing available to be purchases.

My copy of PES is North America region and i live in Canada, my PlayStation account is also register to Canada.

PS3 user, can u guys access online?

Marcus Wright

Registered User
Anyone have the same problem? Is this a issues for all PS3 user?

After the update of v1.01, the game requires a online pass to access the online portion of the game. When i try to register the code that was enclosed in the game, it gives a message of "The code you entered may not be correct or may no longer be valid". I have checked over ten times that the code printed was the code i entered.

Even if i try to buy another online pass, it said that there is nothing available to be purchases.

My copy of PES is North America region and i live in Canada, my PlayStation account is also register to Canada.

PS3 user, can u guys access online?

I have the exact same problem and live in Canada as well.

I wrote to Konami 2 days ago, no reply whatsoever. Really disappointed with their customer service.


Registered User
I´m not even being able to enter my access pass code. The message I get is "This service is not available in your country"...I played online (not competitions) two days ago, and now I feel totally frustrated and robbed :(

Marcus Wright

Registered User
I'm in the same boat. Canada. Can't enter code or buy new one.

Maybe its something that happened to all Canadians than?
What the hell is going on, no one bothers to answer me even from Konami. Wrote as well as called them. Really frustrated :realmad:


Registered User
Yep, another PS3 user in Canada here and I have exactly the same problem. This issue actually arose when I first purchased the game as at the time it asked me to enter the online code that came with the game and I got the 'code not valid' message and then a day later I was able to play online with no online code required. I actually got the game the day before release so I thought at the time that the reason it didn't work was the servers weren't up and I then figured Konami had disabled this feature because it wasn't working.

As has been pointed out above you can't even buy the code in the online store so I have no idea what the code is for, especially given that I was able to play online prior to the latest patch with no problem. Knowing Konami, they probably forgot that Canada is a separate country.

If anyone hear's from Konami, please let us know.


Registered User
Just received this message from Konami support:

"We have a workaround that has been successful for other customers. If you are anxious to play PES2013 online, you will need to create a PSN ID with the U.S. as the region location. Once you have created that U.S. PSN ID, redeem the Online Pass code on that ID. After you have done that, you should be able to log back into your original PSN ID and play online"

Looks like it is a problem specific to Canada. I will give it a try and see what happens....


Registered User
Same here, I'm in Canada and they ask me to register the online code again but comes up as invalid! What the hell is going on. Maybe it has to do with the online being in maintenence idk...


Registered User
Just received this message from Konami support:

"you will need to create a PSN ID.....After you have done that, you should be able to log back into your original PSN ID and play online"

Looks like it is a problem specific to Canada. I will give it a try and see what happens....

Not only in Canada. I´m gonna try this too. Thanks for sharing.


Registered User
I got a similar reply from Konami USA customer support:

"Thank you for contacting Konami Customer Support. We are aware of this issue, and are currently working on a permanent solution.

In the meantime, we have a workaround that has been successful for other customers. If you are anxious to play PES2013 online, you will need to create a PSN ID with the U.S. as the region location. Once you have created that U.S. PSN ID, redeem the Online Pass code on that ID. After you have done that, you should be able to log back into your original PSN ID and play online.

We sincerely apologize for all the inconveniences caused. "

Unfortunately, i won't be able to test it till monday. So, i hope this solves the problem for you guys.

Marcus Wright

Registered User
Yeah it works, thanks. Just create a new user on ps3 with US as location.
Also, u guys can also go back and play with your old usernames again as soon as u enter the code while loged in with US account.

Yeah baby, i am back on-line into MLO. Missed my team


New Member
I had the same problem, tried this and it worked. downloading the DLC now.

thanks so much. don't know what i would do w/ out these PES communities.


Registered User
Yeap it worked too over here! Thanks!

Now the problem stands on those who receive those "Invalid Code" messages...


Registered User
Kinda glad I'm not the only one. Was starting to believe someone jacked my code somehow. This year it's just 1 fuck up after the other and of course it has to happen right when the gameplay is at the best it's ever been. That's Conami for you :)
