As a sort of distant cousin to BarnDoor's rather useful and rather excellent Horror thread HERE, and as a prelude to what I hope will be his "general underrated or rarely discussed film thread", I thought the same could be done for the Other Gaming section of the site.
Gaming is Huge. Hundreds of titles released a year that no-one in their right mind will ever buy or play all of, and that's before you even take in to account the huge back catalogue that gaming has generated since the mid 80's or even older. From mobile phones to home consoles there are countless games that either get lost in the storm of big annual releases (like FIFA and COD) or are overlooked due to their content, design or name.
Like Barns thread I will try to post one a day, and I will stick to the same layout for each of my titles. Discussion/criticisim of peoples posts is more than welcome, and If people want to join in (I hope you will as this is not just my personal wank space) please try to stick to the same style as my posts and try not to post games that every fucker will have played. If you think a game was overlooked, doesn't matter what system or when it was released, post it!
Nier (2010)
General Information
Single Player
Cavia, Square-Enix
PS3, Xbox 360
Plot (No Spoilers)
In a distant future, after a catacylsmic event, a father tries to cure his daughter of a disease that is slowly wiping out the last remnants of humanity, in a world where creatures known as Shades stalk the land.
I bought Nier for £10 early 2011 after seeing it dumped in a basket at my local HMV, and I then proceeded to not play it for a month or two because even though I bought it I imagined it would be shit (don't ask), but when I did finally play it, I discovered one of my favourite games of this gen.
Nier is a strange mish mash of genres, and it manages to blend a variety of them together well; Zelda style dungeons and adventuring, Ikaruga like bullet hell, Resident Evil survival horror, and the old choose your own adventure novels... but it never manages to master any of them, and that is perhaps why it never got the recognition it deserved. For me, it is a game not without it's faults. The graphics are average at best and the standard enemy design is extremely limited. Fortunately it has enjoyable combat, some epic boss battles, a gripping story that gets better with each of the four play throughs required to see the true ending, a great cast of main characters with quality voice acting and an amazing soundtrack that I still listen to on my journey to work every now and then.
Nier is a game where you are not expected to do everything on your first playthrough, and the New Game+ feature picks up at a key point halfway in to the game and adds new story elements that completely change your conception of what the hell is going on and make you question right and wrong. (A few scenes nearly turned me in to a blubbering wreck) I highly recommend this game, it is quite clearly a 6 or 7 out of ten title but if you go in not expecting a classic then you may well be surprised.
Similar Titles
Though Nier is rather unique I would say: The Zelda Series, Darksiders, Drakengard
Gaming is Huge. Hundreds of titles released a year that no-one in their right mind will ever buy or play all of, and that's before you even take in to account the huge back catalogue that gaming has generated since the mid 80's or even older. From mobile phones to home consoles there are countless games that either get lost in the storm of big annual releases (like FIFA and COD) or are overlooked due to their content, design or name.
Like Barns thread I will try to post one a day, and I will stick to the same layout for each of my titles. Discussion/criticisim of peoples posts is more than welcome, and If people want to join in (I hope you will as this is not just my personal wank space) please try to stick to the same style as my posts and try not to post games that every fucker will have played. If you think a game was overlooked, doesn't matter what system or when it was released, post it!
Nier (2010)

General Information
Single Player
Cavia, Square-Enix
PS3, Xbox 360
Plot (No Spoilers)
In a distant future, after a catacylsmic event, a father tries to cure his daughter of a disease that is slowly wiping out the last remnants of humanity, in a world where creatures known as Shades stalk the land.
I bought Nier for £10 early 2011 after seeing it dumped in a basket at my local HMV, and I then proceeded to not play it for a month or two because even though I bought it I imagined it would be shit (don't ask), but when I did finally play it, I discovered one of my favourite games of this gen.
Nier is a strange mish mash of genres, and it manages to blend a variety of them together well; Zelda style dungeons and adventuring, Ikaruga like bullet hell, Resident Evil survival horror, and the old choose your own adventure novels... but it never manages to master any of them, and that is perhaps why it never got the recognition it deserved. For me, it is a game not without it's faults. The graphics are average at best and the standard enemy design is extremely limited. Fortunately it has enjoyable combat, some epic boss battles, a gripping story that gets better with each of the four play throughs required to see the true ending, a great cast of main characters with quality voice acting and an amazing soundtrack that I still listen to on my journey to work every now and then.
Nier is a game where you are not expected to do everything on your first playthrough, and the New Game+ feature picks up at a key point halfway in to the game and adds new story elements that completely change your conception of what the hell is going on and make you question right and wrong. (A few scenes nearly turned me in to a blubbering wreck) I highly recommend this game, it is quite clearly a 6 or 7 out of ten title but if you go in not expecting a classic then you may well be surprised.
Similar Titles
Though Nier is rather unique I would say: The Zelda Series, Darksiders, Drakengard