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Von Option File (V2.04 NOW ONLINE - 2009/10 Season Update)


Registered User
yeah mate u have to go into the games settings and go to INSTALL let it it install all data then go to DOWNLOAD its the option underneath and then download wot it has to do when uve done that say NO to it wanting to save, then go to EDIT mode and LOAD edit data then go into a team in edit come out and then SAVE.

this worked for me i was having troubles but just figured it out!!


I am having the same problem. I downloaded the patch, copied all the files and then I went to INSTALL .... the problem is I can't find the Download option within system settings thus when i try to load the edit data file it still says "load failed because data is from a different version download content and update data"

Any ideas?


Registered User
you have to be connected to the internet and be logged on to playstation network the in system settings (pes 2009) download will appear under install...

people please stop asking the same questions it clearly tells you how to do things throughtout the pages lol


Registered User
"then go to DOWNLOAD its the option underneath and then download wot it has to do when uve done that say NO to it wanting to save"

Ok i i go to PES2009 system setting and installed the game data but after that there isnt any Download for you to select what steve said above.

I then go toe Edit and load the Edit Data and it still give the different version error. Can you all say clearly, the way you describe is not understandable at all. Just like the above statement, i can't even understand what he is trying to talk about.

Pls state clearly the steps

1. Go to PES2009 System Setting>Install and install the data (done)
2. ??? ( what is step 2)


Registered User
"then go to DOWNLOAD its the option underneath and then download wot it has to do when uve done that say NO to it wanting to save"

Ok i i go to PES2009 system setting and installed the game data but after that there isnt any Download for you to select what steve said above.

I then go toe Edit and load the Edit Data and it still give the different version error. Can you all say clearly, the way you describe is not understandable at all. Just like the above statement, i can't even understand what he is trying to talk about.

Pls state clearly the steps

1. Go to PES2009 System Setting>Install and install the data (done)
2. ??? ( what is step 2)

2. DO NOT SAVE when ask you.
3. Load "Edit Data" again.
4. Go to "Edit" and see if it is working. ^_^

someone should put the instructions in the first post. underneath the downloading links


Registered User
Hey!! this is an awsome option file!! best ive seen!!

Will january transfers be updated in it when the window closes??

thanks again!!


Registered User
2. DO NOT SAVE when ask you.
3. Load "Edit Data" again.
4. Go to "Edit" and see if it is working. ^_^

someone should put the instructions in the first post. underneath the downloading links

before step 3, i was never prompt to save anything (after the install finished) other than ask me whether to update to ver 1.20 or not, i just cancel it

At step 3, i am stucked here, it also gave the error msg of different version. After the error message come out, i go to Edit and check EPL teams and all the badges and name are still fake


Registered User
Yes i am using R2 version of PES. On the back said Licensed for sale in Europe, The Middle East, Africa and Oceania. I bought this from a retailer who imported R2 version.

I am in Singapore


Registered User
Yes i am using R2 version of PES. On the back said Licensed for sale in Europe, The Middle East, Africa and Oceania. I bought this from a retailer who imported R2 version.

I am in Singapore

bro just to confirm with u the cover picture of the game is just messi or? coz i live in singapore too am i using this option file perfectly fine


Registered User
im failing to see how you cant see the DOWNLOAD option in settings? its under the INSTALL setting, once uve installed konami update, install is greyed out so u cant select it. are u connected to the internet and signed into ps network when ur trying?


Registered User
hi this option file looks really good it must of taken u a while i just wanted to what new football boots did u put in cos i thought boot editing was limited? thanks
