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Von Option File (V2.04 NOW ONLINE - 2009/10 Season Update)


Registered User
question URGENT

hi i have download you option file its GREAT thanks alot
but i have one question, i cant seem to find where nery castillo has gone from man city can you tell me where you have put him he is a great player
and man city are my team

awaiting reply thanks



Registered User
If any 1 can help on this it would be great!

I have downloaded the files but I don't have a USB memory stick and am unsure of how to transfer the data?

I have tried burning them on to a disk but still no joy?

Can you use an online storage website and then download them onto your ps3?



Registered User
Downloaded 1.06 just now after weeks of pulling my hair out and going arround in circles wondering where i was going wrong. Brilliant work Muff, u deserve a medal for all your input and dedication to fellow gamers. And thanks to everyone who posted help for us guys struggeling in out attempst to upgrade and down load the latest patch and versions..... take a bow guys

just wondering if in the next update will we have to upload all the existing strips along with the new ones (same for players faces) or how will we know which ones have been added and which ones we already have. As it stands i have 225 files on my pes 09 account. Im not complaining r anything just asking what the story is????

0nce again THANK YOU


Registered User
Hi Guys,

Ive just downloaded this OF and copied it over to my PS3. I then loaded PES2009 and the OF was loaded.

I then created an exhibition match to test of the kits and what was for offer. All the team kits were all out of whack ..!!!!

E.g. My Chelsea team had some purple strip with a totally different sponsor. Fulham had some Malaya sponsor as apposed LG.

Does anyone know what I have done wrong?


Registered User

could you check for standard de liège team? missing Dalmat, Nicaise, Mangala, Da Silva, Mikulic, Benteke, Bolat, Kiskac, ...

here is the link with numbers, birthday for the team:

I can help you searching for pics, stats, position if you need help ;) the team is still uncomplete..

anyway great work, thx again ;)

especially now that they appeared in my Master League, they qualified from second division. (and also because i'm a supporter) :)


Registered User
hi can i use this OF if i have already used 1 of arsenalds ones as i think yours is more up to date i have heard ?? thanx and great work


Registered User
Right, i made a final try today. It still doesn't work. I'm fully aware that i'm polluting this forum in the last pages, but i'm getting really mad because i want to play my ML with correct kits. Whenever i see a replay with wrong kits i don't enjoy the game as much as i should.

Today, i've deleted all games data from my PS3 harddrive, except my replays and my one and only Master league save file.

I went for the official 1.2 konami thing, download (in the settings section) then install (same section). Teams names were ok (North London were Arsenal as it should be), then i went in the edit section, loaded the only file that it proposed me (VON's file, i guess, it's the only one that it could find, couldn't it ?) but i didn't see any changes in the teams kits, british teams for example have a blank kit, no brands/logos whatsoever.
Where the hell am i going wrong every time ?
I KNOW it's surely dead simple, and it's not because english is my 1st language that i can't do it. Thanks for the one who'll dare again explain where i make a mistake.


Registered User

check the first pages of this thread.
Copy al the files to your ps3 hdd incl. data and option file

good luck mate


ar eyou also going to do some Bundesliga(german) teams?
Great Beta update, Valencia kit = amazing good :)!!!

keep up the great option file,

thanks and greets


Registered User
Right, i think i know now where it goes wrong. I now understand that i'm supposed to copy all files within the OF. Still, when i open my usb stick contents, it gives me the whole (3800kb) OF file but i cannot 'enter' it to browse all files. I've tried every damn button with my controller, but it won't let me browse them. Is the initial folder on my USB stick wrong ? It's well called PS3 and within it's SAVEDATA, i didn't change anything.

When i browse my usb stick, there's just this Edit data file (approx. 3700Kb), then a couple of faces then 4 or 5 kits, nothing more. I know there should be over 100 files, but where the hell are they hidden on my stick ?


Registered User
especially now that they appeared in my Master League, they qualified from second division. (and also because i'm a supporter) :)

I'm a supporter too :rolleyes: :lol:

They play nice football in Belgium and have a solid team. They played very well against liverpool in CL-qualifier, then eliminated everton, won over sevilla, sampdoria in UEFA.

It's the only thing I miss with this OF, konami left last season's team and really poor stats for each player. They are all young and promising players followed by the biggest team and are like broken legs players in pes :realmad:

fanboy I know :rolleyes:


Registered User
I'm a supporter too :rolleyes: :lol:

They play nice football in Belgium and have a solid team. They played very well against liverpool in CL-qualifier, then eliminated everton, won over sevilla, sampdoria in UEFA.

It's the only thing I miss with this OF, konami left last season's team and really poor stats for each player. They are all young and promising players followed by the biggest team and are like broken legs players in pes :realmad:

fanboy I know :rolleyes:

Yep (and they won again tonight!).
You're right about players talent in the game, if ever The Muff could improve most of them by at least 5 points in every ability, it's quite unbelievable the poor stats they have when you see their present UEFA campaign (and let's not forget they could be in the Champions League if bloody Liverpool's Kuyt didn't score in the last 5 minutes in the decisive qualifying match).

Players to be MUCH improved:


To be improved slightly:



Registered User
End of nightmare for me: the file wasn't the full one apparently. As i said, i tried and tried to copy a 3.8Mo file while the VON's proper size is over 26Mo !! Don't know which VON file i was trying to install (??) but now of course the full one does work, i was sure there was something stupid bugging me.
I apologize for the pollution of recent pages.


Virtual Football Hero
End of nightmare for me: the file wasn't the full one apparently. As i said, i tried and tried to copy a 3.8Mo file while the VON's proper size is over 26Mo !! Don't know which VON file i was trying to install (??) but now of course the full one does work, i was sure there was something stupid bugging me.
I apologize for the pollution of recent pages.

It sounds like you were installing the "update only" file from Von's. That indeed won't work ;)

Btw.: I agree that it would be good to have some extra teams in the option file. A full bundesliga, perhaps a few new teams from all over the world..

It's just a shame that Konami left so many teams blank, whereas they could perhaps have put another league in there, which is not being used by FIFA.. The J-League, the Portuguese league, the Belgian league.. Anything is better than blank teams... :no:


Registered User
Installing th VON option file, please help!

i have downloaded the patch, copied it to the PS3 (yet not in the saved data utility, because it wouldnt read any info on the flash in this section, just copied it from browsing the Flash card with the PS3), yet i dunno what to do next! i just see many folders with PNG files... can you please help? :crymore::crymore::crymore:


Registered User

I downloaded the update of pes2009 (ps3), but the option file doesn't work... There is a message when the game starts: Load failed because is from a different version... etc
Do yoy have any idea what is happening and how I can solve the problem?


Registered User
Option file

Boys I got a real quick question or 2.

Rather than install all the updates one by one can I not install the last version of the update and it will have all the information?

Also, I can't get the sounds on. I am creating a playing 'KONAMI_PES' I copy all the files in and then start the game, go to upload the chant and it says no data found.

Any help would be great




Registered User
I noticed that in the update in Vons Option File, it says Daniel Pacheco has been added to the Liverpool squad. I have wanted to involve him for ages now.

However I don't really want to overweight my current OF. So I was wondering if anyone would be greatful enough to give me the complete lowdown on Pacheco i.e. Face/body/stats

Would anyone be interested? Major rep points for anyone who could help.

