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Von Option File (V2.04 NOW ONLINE - 2009/10 Season Update)

The Muff

Registered User
I have to say your option file is brilliant!!! Thanks mate!! And thanks to all the people who create the files as well!! I'm new here and want to get going giving feedback!!

I've been using the Manucho you've created and I think that he is left footed, I'm not 100% sure though. Sweet file mate!

Yeah, he is left footed, as I found out through Konami's broken patch :)


Registered User
File Transfer Problems

Hi Guys

This is my first post on here and just wanted to shed some light on some of the problems people have been having in transferring the files to there PS3. I am referring to the "NO DATA FOUND" and "CORRUPTED DATA" which appears when you access your memory card on your PS3. Having downloaded a couple of different option files and time and again experienced several problems I didn't know where I was going wrong. After a couple of hours of playing around I found that my rar extractor wasnt extracting the files correctly and shows 4 files instead of folders. I have over come this by downloading a free version of winrar here and this has extracted the rar file correctly and now transferred to my PS3 with no problems. I am sure this may be the problem with a lot of people so i strongly recommend you try this.

Hope this helps guys!!!


Registered User
mate your option file is brilliant, I did attempt at making my own Option File, I used the PESFan Option File and then did the Premier League Kits. And I know that took me a while!

So a big heads up to you for this and to confirm yes I am using this rather than my own lol

All the best with the one to be released and although I can see you have got every base covered at the minute, if you need any help, holla at me!


Registered User
V1.2 can't be downloaded. Rapidshare gives an error.

This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.

This limit is reached.

To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector's Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector's Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.

Could you re-up it?


Registered User
V1.2 can't be downloaded. Rapidshare gives an error.

This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.

This limit is reached.

To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector's Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector's Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.

Could you re-up it?

u just need the latest version


Registered User
see if i have no option files put on my ps3 yet, do i have to choose version 1 or can i just use 1.3 straight away.



New Member
this update looks the business, just downloading now! any help from any1 on how to transfer from my pc onto the ps3???? cheers in advance


Registered User
I'm having a problem installing the option file, i have got the option file saved on my usb, put this into the ps3, go to the game section, Saved Data Utillity,press triangle but the only thing it says is information so i cant see all to copy them. This also happen in the Memory card utillity one aswell. I can only See all in the music, photo and video colums, how do i get the folder to copy.



Registered User
I'm having a problem installing the option file, i have got the option file saved on my usb, put this into the ps3, go to the game section, Saved Data Utillity,press triangle but the only thing it says is information so i cant see all to copy them. This also happen in the Memory card utillity one aswell. I can only See all in the music, photo and video colums, how do i get the folder to copy.


Sounds like the problems I was having, wen u extract the rar file do you get 2 folders? 1 with PS3 and 1 with MUSIC?


Registered User
hey thz 4 the hard core work man!i m usin ur option file n itz great! =)
just one ques i got ur 1.02 update n plannin 2 update it 2 1.03 one so do i just dl the "latest update data" or do i hv 2 dl the "whole" 1.03??
cheerz man


New Member
Sounds like the problems I was having, wen u extract the rar file do you get 2 folders? 1 with PS3 and 1 with MUSIC?

i got the same problem as mj188826

when i extracted the rar file i got the 2 folders

i then copied each folder across into my usb pen

then when i tried to copy it across from the game menu on the XML i only got "information" after i'd copied it across onto my system

pleeeeease help !


Registered User
If you downloaded the entire V1.02 then yeah, you'll only need the update :)

Ah man! I didn't see that update file, I downloaded the whole v1.03 and then looked through the files for about 10 minutes before I realised that I only needed uniform data 152-156 and minus face data 002!!

What turdhead! Can't wait for the next update!


Registered User
Hi everyone. Good to join you all on here. I love updates, I cant play without them. But I'm having great trouble getting it to work! So if any of you could answer these questions I would be very grateful.

1. I've downloaded version 1.03, is that all I need for the update?

2. Read on an earlier post I only need to put the PS3 folder on the strick but when I do this and when I go onto Saved Data Utility all the files such as uniform data and hundreds of player faces open up individually so I'm surely doing something wrong. I copied a couple of kits over individually and it worked but surely there is a quicker way.

Please help guys cos I'm new to all this.

Thank you

The Muff

Registered User
Hi everyone. Good to join you all on here. I love updates, I cant play without them. But I'm having great trouble getting it to work! So if any of you could answer these questions I would be very grateful.

1. I've downloaded version 1.03, is that all I need for the update?

2. Read on an earlier post I only need to put the PS3 folder on the strick but when I do this and when I go onto Saved Data Utility all the files such as uniform data and hundreds of player faces open up individually so I'm surely doing something wrong. I copied a couple of kits over individually and it worked but surely there is a quicker way.

Please help guys cos I'm new to all this.

Thank you

Yeah, that's all you need.

And unforunately with option files, you have to copy all files over one by one. Takes 10/15 minutes


Registered User
Yeah, that's all you need.

And unforunately with option files, you have to copy all files over one by one. Takes 10/15 minutes

Ok thats great thank you. Fantastic update. Just don't want to miss out on stuff cos I see people writing about different versions but the only single thingle thing i've downloaded is v1.03.


Registered User
please when you release a new update, you can release a version with all the updates, becuase i get confuse..

