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Von Option File (V2.04 NOW ONLINE - 2009/10 Season Update)


Registered User
Hey, Great OF file, clearly the best out there,
Though one thing that struck my mind, the two danish teams Brøndby IF and FC Copenhagen both still have their old squads, with quit a few players missing. Something you might include in v1.05?? would be very much apreciateted


Registered User
are you thinking about adding the 3 missing CL teams? Bate, Anorthosis and Aalborg? i've asked this before, but there wasn't any reply :)

an idea would be to update the first post on this thread with the upcoming changes in the next version of the OF, so people wouldn't be asking the same question over and over again ;)

anyways, amazing OF, 50% of the game's value in my book!!


Registered User
muff you could change trnafers of CHILE there are a few players that are not in the team.. Salas, Luis Jimenes, Riffo and Rubio.. in their possition should be Orellana(SS),
Valdivia(AMF), Contreras(CB), and Corvetto(he actually plays in Udinese)
this would be perfect... i've asked this before, but there wasn't any reply
your update is the best.. keep doing this.. thanks


Registered User
it says i need the latest update or smth and it doesnt load
"Load failed because data is from a different version. Download contant and update data."
what should i do? i have the latest update and i have all updates and option files i have the latest konami update and the option file 1.3

the only reason why it would say this is if the konami update isn't installed...try going to download in the PES menu and download if it asks you to

option file 1.04 is the one you want by the way as it is the only compatible one at the moment


Registered User
the only reason why it would say this is if the konami update isn't installed...try going to download in the PES menu and download if it asks you to

option file 1.04 is the one you want by the way as it is the only compatible one at the moment

i did download the konami update and tried :(


Registered User
oh please help!

hey von, where can i get the konami 1.20 update?? and u put in bold that click no when the game loads right?? what i know that when e game starts, it does not have a yes or no option. hmm..


Registered User
i did download the konami update and tried :(

all i can suggest is that you upload the OF onto the PS3 again...

hey von, where can i get the konami 1.20 update?? and u put in bold that click no when the game loads right?? what i know that when e game starts, it does not have a yes or no option. hmm..

it's in the PES menu...go to download and once it installs it will ask if you want to save it. this is where you say no if you already have v1.04 on the PS3


Registered User
Jesus Christ! Give this guy Muff a break. The same questions come up repeatedly!!!

before asking any question about his update not working.....

- Make sure you have installed the 1.20 patch
- Make sure you have also updated the transfers (downloaded from within the game)
- Make sure you have read the 'important note' on page 1 of this thread

rant over :eek:)


Registered User
all i can suggest is that you upload the OF onto the PS3 again...

it's in the PES menu...go to download and once it installs it will ask if you want to save it. this is where you say no if you already have v1.04 on the PS3

hmm where can i find e download icon in the pes menu?? mine is e pes uk version...n if lets say my ps3 is not connected to e net and i want to download via storage media is it possible?


Registered User
Thank you very very much. your reply is helpful to me

Do you have the 1.20 Konami update?

This would have been okay if I wasn't constantly working on the file so stuff I've done will be overwritten etc :/

Nope, doesn't work with US :/

Yeah, I accidently deleted Tristan when I was deleting players Konami added with the update. I did the same to Mollo from Monaco. Both will be in the update

See above

Apparently. Somebody told me they were using an asian version and it apparently worked with the file


Registered User
Great work, btw! Is there tools to do this editing? If so, please put up the link. Because I have US version of the game and wanna work on it. Thanks.


Registered User

Hi I need help with getting the option file onto my ps3. I have downloaded the option file twice and I have put the option file onto my USB several times but everytime when I try to access my USB stick on my PS3, it recegnises the Chants, etc. but it doesnt display the saved data?
I have tried several times and can't get the saved data onto my PS3, when I select my USB in the game menu it doesn't have "display all" available. It says display available when getting Chants but not in save game.

Any help would be greaty appreciated


Registered User
help please..

guys..anyone come i dun have e download icon in my pes 2009 only has install..mine is a uk version..


Registered User
Rite i think SOMEONE forget to mention something about this update.....

I am a little annoyed at the Fact that....

Last night i deleted every single file of my current update as i put VONS on a flash drive as it sounds like the 1 to have....

Then i spent AGES putting it all on...

Loaded my PS3 and it says "This Data is from a Newer Version of the Software" or something.. "Cannot Load Edit Data"

Now i'm GUESSING this is because VON, you have downloaded the KONAMI update on your PS3 and as i don't have mine online, I havn't....

SO i can't use it??? And am back to square 1 with pro evo...

Any Suggestions?

The Muff

Registered User
Great work, btw! Is there tools to do this editing? If so, please put up the link. Because I have US version of the game and wanna work on it. Thanks.

Nah, no tools, just all in game. Only thing that I use not related to the game is Photoshop

Hi I need help with getting the option file onto my ps3. I have downloaded the option file twice and I have put the option file onto my USB several times but everytime when I try to access my USB stick on my PS3, it recegnises the Chants, etc. but it doesnt display the saved data?
I have tried several times and can't get the saved data onto my PS3, when I select my USB in the game menu it doesn't have "display all" available. It says display available when getting Chants but not in save game.

Any help would be greaty appreciated

Did you put the PS3 folder only onto your flashdrive?

guys..anyone come i dun have e download icon in my pes 2009 only has install..mine is a uk version..

You need the 1.20 Konami update in order to have 'Download' on your settings menu. If you're PS3 isn't online and nobody has uploaded it to the internet, you won't be able to get it the Konami patch

Rite i think SOMEONE forget to mention something about this update.....

I am a little annoyed at the Fact that....

Last night i deleted every single file of my current update as i put VONS on a flash drive as it sounds like the 1 to have....

Then i spent AGES putting it all on...

Loaded my PS3 and it says "This Data is from a Newer Version of the Software" or something.. "Cannot Load Edit Data"

Now i'm GUESSING this is because VON, you have downloaded the KONAMI update on your PS3 and as i don't have mine online, I havn't....

SO i can't use it??? And am back to square 1 with pro evo...

Any Suggestions?

It says on both Page 1 and in the thread title that the file is now 1.20 Konami compatible

If you have no way of getting the patch, download my 1.03, take out the edit data and overwrite the 1.04 edit data on your PS3 with it. Should work fine

The Muff

Registered User
Couple of 'preview' pictures from 1.05

FINALLY got around to doing those Everton and Bolton away kit PNG's

Added the dark Bayern away kit in place of the white one too. Should be released in the next 24 hours


Registered User
"Did you put the PS3 folder only onto your flashdrive?"

I put the whole option file onto my flashdrive, inculding the SAVEDATA folder within the PS3 folder. I got an update to work with PES08 so not sure why it isn't working?
ANy help would be gladly appreciated. Can wait to try your Option file. Cheers
